
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company. [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

The Stream Team: 12 days of SWTOR, day 8

"Keyword: onomatophobia. Thesh protocol, phase one" is what the Jedi told MJ's character to get her to do exactly what he wanted. But all...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO armor set?

Every time I start a new alt in Star Wars: The Old Republic, I like to gift him or her with a cool-looking cosmetic...
Yeah, this is a thing.

WoW Factor: Cataclysm was bad, but revamping the world isn’t

For about four years, Cataclysm handily defended its title of Worst World of Warcraft Expansion, coming in behind all of the actual expansions as...

The Daily Grind: How much do you spend on MOBAs each month?

I've got MOBAs on the brain this week, so yes, it's time for another early morning MOBA-themed discussion topic. I recently purchased my first...

Massively Overthinking: PvP MMOs without the PvE

Back in April, we ran an Overthinking about a perceived lack of high-quality PvE-oriented MMO titles on the horizon, and that's a conversation that keeps...

Perfect Ten: Weird questions that I want answered before I play an MMO

Jumping into a new-to-me MMO can be a heady, nerve-wracking event. I think there's a reason why we find our "comfort" games and feel...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most casual-friendly MMO?

One of the factors that keeps me from playing more MMOs than I already do is that so many of them are not very...

Hyperspace Beacon: Quality-of-life tweaks in SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire

BioWare's Eric Musco delivered an amazing livestream last week. Many of the questions that players have been asking about the upcoming expansion for Star...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raid beta impressions

I don't believe I've ever been more excited -- and simultaneously nervous -- about a beta test than I was for Guild Wars 2's third beta...

Choose My Adventure: Mad science and spellslinging in WildStar

Hello, everyone, and welcome once again to the formulaic introduction to yet another installment of Choose My Adventure. As is tradition, let's start with...

The Daily Grind: So what mystery title is Daybreak working on?

Tucked into Daybreak's announcement letter yesterday about the company's new digs and Jens Andersen's new role was the revelation that Daybreak is "currently working...

Global Chat: Why is Blizzard so sluggish?

World of Warcraft: Legion and Blizzard's recent decisions were at the forefront of a couple of recent MMO blog posts as of late, their authors...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 32: WildStumble

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, Project Gorgon, Ultima Online, WildStar, Dragon's Prophet, EQ franchise expansions, and Camelot Unchained, with mailbag questions on armchair game dev and catering to whales.

The Daily Grind: Does your MMO archetype reflect your personality?

A few months ago, blogger Tipa on West Karana wrote a post wondering whether the roles we play in MMOs reflected on our roles...

Sword and Bored: Costume designer

Mo gets to mess around with his MMO's cosmetic outfit system. Amilya "helps" him, of course.
Every so often, you need to take a look at the banner you're marching under to make sure it still echoes your beliefs.

Wisdom of Nym: The state of Final Fantasy XIV’s magical DPS

The purpose of magical damage in Final Fantasy XIV is to ruin everything. Really. You get a huge group of enemies together, and then...
Well well well, how the turntable.

The Daily Grind: Who’s your favorite MOBA champion?

I've been playing League of Legends quite a bit lately, but I haven't settled on a favorite champion yet. I'm a MOBA newb, so...

EVE Evolved: Bring on the big expansions again!

When EVE Online's development switched from two major expansions per year to ten smaller releases, the benefits were pretty difficult to argue with. EVE...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has your favorite cosmetic system?

The Secret World is not my game of choice, but I sure did like its system for appearances. Clothing was just... well, clothing. You...

The Daily Grind: How closely do you follow MMOs prior to launch?

MOP commenter Tandor Shadewalker recently made me think about what the game industry was like prior to widespread use of the internet. If you'll...