
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

RIFT’s Echoes of Madness update arrives on April 15

RIFT players salivating for Update 3.2 won't have much longer to go: Trion Worlds announced that Echoes of Madness will be launching on Wednesday,...

Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward’s spoiler-filled trailer

We're going to tell you this right up front: if you haven't yet done the patch 2.55 story quests and don't want to be...
Sure you are, home slice.

Star Citizen releases alpha 1.1.1 and a design blog on breathing

Cloud Imperium had a busy Friday, as the firm released Star Citizen Alpha 1.1.1 to backers and also published a couple of notable blog entries....
This failed for lots of reasons, let's be real.

Infinite Crisis unmasks Lex Luthor

Turbine published a feature on its newest Infinite Crisis champion this week. Lex Luthor is the man of the hour, and he'll be available...

Previewing Path of Exile’s mind-blowing Act IV

If you thought Path of Exile's previous three content updates would be hard acts to follow, you clearly haven't heard enough about the upcoming...

Lost Continent: Looking ahead to ArcheAge’s Dread Prophecies patch

Did you miss the latest ArcheAge livestream featuring the Trion dev team? It was a biggun, and it contained quite a lot of information relative to the...

DCUO is switching its update cadence from quarterly to monthly

DC Universe Online creative director Jens Andersen has posted a pretty important update on the game's forums. Daybreak's superhero MMO will begin launching new...

Age of Conan patch adds panoramic achievements, tweaks treasure chests

Funcom has updated Age of Conan's achievement system. The game's latest patch offers 130 panoramas, which are camera paths that show off various Hyborian...

LOTRO explains new legendary imbuement system, preps anniversary

One of the big ticket items for Lord of the Rings Online's Update 16 is a revamp of the legendary item system with something...

TUG’s 0.8.4 update adds taming, breeding, and spells

TUG's alpha update 0.8.4 is here, and it brings with it new magic spells, creature taming and breeding, and shield blocking. The game's latest...
Age of Wulin

Webzen talks Chapter 5 expansion for Age of Wulin

Age of Wulin is getting its fourth expansion on April 28th, according to a new Webzen press release. If you're scratching your head in...
hooray sorta

Diablo III’s Patch 2.2.0 adds and improves items

Health potions are one of the core elements of Diablo III, but they're not actually interesting to stock up on. The game has thus...
Lineage II

Lineage II’s Infinite Odyssey expansion coming this month

Mark your calendars, Lineage II fans, because on April 22nd you're getting a new expansion. It's called Infinite Odyssey and it will coincide with...
Explode everywhere.

WildStar shows off its next raid, Initialization Core Y-83

WildStar is bringing a new raid into the game, Initialization Core Y-83, and it's pretty different from its previous raids. Not fond of attunement...
Hey there, you don't get to see me.

Neverwinter’s Elemental Evil is now available, insert Minsc and Boo joke here

For some reason it feels like we've been writing about Minsc and Boo for months. In any case, I guess we haven't been writing...

DCUO releases new munitions power set

DC Universe Online released its 13th power set today. Munitions "allows players to master over-the-top explosives, powerful ballistics, and large weapons," according to a...
This is what happens when you give guns to plants.

Guild Wars 2 hopes to reinspire interest in story

It's hard to be a Sylvari in Guild Wars 2 at the moment. After all, the plant people have an undeniable tie to the...
What's that saying about diving into the past because the present is less interesting?

RIFT chronicles the remaking of the Hammerknell raid

If you came into RIFT late in its life cycle, you missed Hammerknell. If you weren't raiding when Hammerknell was super relevant to the...
Vendetta Online

Vendetta updates with 1.8.331 build

Long-running indie sci-fi sandbox Vendetta Online published a new build last weekend. Version 1.8.331 improved high drain power cells, it buffed extreme drain power cells,...
For one reading of this sequence of words, this looks right.

Dungeons & Dragons Online drops Update 25 and the Temple of Elemental Evil

So what is the Temple of Elemental Evil? Is it a temple devoted to evil performed by elementals? Is it a temple devoted to...