
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

The Stream Team: Looking for SWTOR’s Lady of Sorrows

Senya went off to do some "work," leaving Massively OP's MJ and Larry to skulk about SWTOR's Old World of Zakuul to learn more...

Elite Dangerous addresses ship nameplate concerns

Yesterday's Elite Dangerous community livestream is full of good news for sci-fi fans anxiously watching the 2.3 beta. Of note, Frontier's Sandro Sammarco and...

MMOs you’ve never heard of: Lothgar Online, Little War Online, Age of Rivals

When I add news to our newsroom for our reporters to pick up, I often add links that just say "such-and-such a game exists"...

The Stream Team: Hopping back into EverQuest II Heritage Quests

EverQuest II-sday is back! As if Massively OP's MJ could ever stay away. She's back in Norrath to continue with her mission to complete...

The Stream Team: Black Desert’s Port Epheria

Last time Massively OP's MJ was in Black Desert, she hitched a ride on a boat to a new port. Now she's got plenty...

Overwatch’s Orisa is live today, Blizzard considers map editor

Tankbot Orisa is live in Overwatch today for those of you not too busy jacking into Andromeda. While she'll be accessible on all three platforms...

Blade & Soul switches to larger, slower updates with brand-new Secrets of the Stratus

Blade & Soul is rolling out a massive expansion next month, one NCsoft says "marks a shift in pace for the game." Dubbed Secrets of...

Master x Master announces closed beta, adds City of Heroes’ Statesman

Today's good news for Master x Master fans is that the game has a closed beta coming up. The next test will be between...

The Stream Team: Springing into Conan Exiles’ spider cave

Aladdin visited a cave of wonders, but Massively OP's MJ is going to visit a cave of spiders in Conan Exiles. What better way...

MyWorld empowers players create and link their own ARPG levels

If you are the sort that has ever looked at online game design and thought to yourself, "I could do so much better," then...

Shroud of the Avatar: Kas Ruins, custom NPCs, and marble columns

Shroud of the Avatar's 219th newsletter has arrived! Of note is the segment on the Kas Ruins, whose biome is based on the Rockies...

The Stream Team: Hunting down an Elder Scrolls Online troublemaker

While trying to get all the races to work together to defend a town in Elder Scrolls Online, Massively OP's MJ kept hearing about...

How to farm 570 LOTRO points in under three hours

One of the interesting quirks of Lord of the Rings Online's free-to-play setup is that players can earn premium currency -- LOTRO points, or...

Conan Exiles on this week’s patch, The Purge, and a ‘partial wipe’

DualShockers has a new interview out with Conan Exiles' Joel Bylos. It's from GDC, but it's still worth a look given that it includes...

The Repopulation is back, but major bugs ensure the next patch is a ways off

Idea Fabrik's internal dev team published a dev update on The Repopulation this morning, following the game's relaunch last week. The studio says it's...

The MOP Up: Kali awakens in Dragon Nest (March 19, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Remembering EverQuest Next

Is it too soon -- or perhaps too pointless -- to wool-gather about EverQuest Next? After all, that MMO project is deader than dead,...
we still don't know when we're tessssssting

Master x Master introduces Koom and Vonak

Eager to know when everyone gets to play Master x Master? We can't tell you that, on account of not actually knowing. Still, the...
Uh, no.

Make My MMO: Pathfinder is alive, Starfighter seeks crowdfunds (March 18, 2017)

This week in MMO crowdfunding, Pathfinder Online resurfaced this weekend with good and bad news. Paizo's Lisa Stevens tells fans that efforts and research into selling...

The Stream Team: The joys of ARK jousting

Massively OP's MJ was quite excited when she first learned that ARK would have jousting. And now, thanks to the awesome ideas and teamwork...