
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

The joke here is that the dungeons for this game were miserable slogs.

WildStar previews Redmoon Terror’s first raid wing

If you missed WildStar's last livestream and you enjoy raiding, you might want to give it another look. Carbine Community Manager Jonathan Brown, Game...

Of Kings and Men welcomes players to medieval war this month

For those who have often fantasized about riding around, living in, and fighting for a medieval country, Of Kings and Men would like to...

Worlds Adrift trailer showcases shipbuilding

Worlds Adrift won't expect players to fly around in some standard ship that everyone else has. No, players will get to build and customize...
Tuesday point five.

Star Trek Online walks fans through the console experience

Excited to have Star Trek Online available to play on your couch instead of just the computer? It'll be like watching a new season...

SWTOR’s Battle of Odessen is live today for subbers

The last chapter of Star Wars: The Old Republic's Knights of the Fallen Empire series launches for regular subbers today. "All active Star Wars: The...
It's just like Magic: the Gathering, but without any cards your friends can destroy like jerks.

One Night in Karazhan comes out today for Hearthstone players

Players have clamored for more to do within Karazhan for years, and the good news is that it's finally happening today. The slightly less...

The Stream Team: Black Desert’s Bloody Monastery

MassivelyOP's MJ might have accidentally leveled more than she intended to over Black Desert's bonus XP weekend. How did that happen? It came about...

TERA welcomes single players into its Castle Aranea dungeon

Not every dungeon in TERA will give you the comfort of traversing it with your fellow meat shields friends. Some are solo dungeons, which means...

Overwatch bans public cheater mid-stream

Here's your dose of sweet, sweet justice for the day. A Korean streamer was using an aimbot in an Overwatch match while performing for the...

The Stream Team: SWTOR Dark vs. Light vs. Knights of the Fallen Empire

Let's talk about Knights of the Fallen Empire. The latest chapter for the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion currently remains in early access and...
So... who's buying?

Life after death in Crowfall

What happens when you die? As long as you're limiting this question to Crowfall, ArtCraft said that players have a choice over their afterlife destiny....

No Man’s Sky, the non-multiplayer multiplayer game

If you were confused about just how multiplayer No Man's Sky was going to be, welcome to the club. Inconsistent (or consistently contradictory) statements...

The Stream Team: Vampiric adventures in Chronicle: RuneScape Legends

There aren't many games where MassivelyOp’s MJ can run around as a vampire, and even fewer that combine a vampire with figurines on a...

Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davis talk about shooting Squadron 42

You would think that if one were ever able to get Luke Skywalker, Gimli, and that Wing Commander guy into the same room together,...

Pokemon Go: Sightings, Hiroshima, and the five domains of play

Happy Pokemon Go patch! Yes, Niantic released a patch last night with some new visuals, a warning about not playing while you drive, and an...

Dungeon Fighter Online arrives on Steam today

Neople's Dungeon Fighter Online lands on Steam today, complete with Steam-exclusive features including achievements, badges, and trading cards, plus DLC bundles. While the free-to-play,...

The Stream Team: Giving Marvel Heroes’ Green Goblin a go

When it came time for MassivelyOP's MJ to decide on a Marvel Heroes character with her free hero box, she had a pretty tough...
Challenge: Get queued up.

Eternal Crusade promises news on its MMO mechanics

Behaviour Interactive has a new Eternal Crusade Q&A up with a question that addresses the MMO component of the game and how it relates...

The Stream Team: Seeing the city sights in Riders of Icarus

Until now, MassivelyOP's MJ has just been bebopping about the beginner area of Riders of Icarus. But she's eager to finally break past that...

Dual Universe drums up interest for its coming Kickstarter

Dual Universe is still eyeing a Kickstarter campaign later this year, but right now the team is priming the pump of fandom, so to...