
Our complete line-up of videos and stream playlists can be found on our YouTube channel, but we’ve included a few of our most recent uploads right here, plus you can scroll down for our archive of articles that include video content too. Thanks for watching!

SMITE caster departs Hi-Rez after live rant on formerly suicidal donor

Let's imagine that you're a studio-funded caster for a major MOBA. A fan joins your stream, donates $5, and tells you that he was...

Cube World demos glider physics, maps, and new skills

Back in December, we reported that Cube World had resumed development after nearly a year and a half of nearly silent alpha (and a...

‘Blood will flow’: Elder Scrolls Online video previews Dark Brotherhood DLC

Taking candy from babies is all well and good for you sneaky Thieves Guild ne'er-do-wells, but what if you're more the stabbin' type? Strap on...

PAX East 2016: Let It Die is a crazy, gruesome survival action game

If you haven't noticed, we're currently in the middle of another game development trend, this time centered around making survival action games. Can't go...

The Black Death is now available through Steam early access

It's April 19th, which means it's early access launch day for The Black Death survival sandbox, the only kind of multiplayer game being made anymore....

The Stream Team: Battling for bags and blades in EverQuest II’s Heritage Quests

Hie ho, hie ho, off to Heritage Questing we go! MassivelyOP's MJ and the gang have been going through all of EverQuest II's HQs...

Hearthstone confirms April 26 launch for Whispers of the Old Gods

Talk about those old gods, man. They are always dreaming inky doom for fleshy mortals, rising up through shower drains to interrupt your karaoke,...
Oh no.

The new Warcraft movie trailer features plenty of dwarves and orcs

The latest trailer for the Warcraft movie features a lot of Orcs, Dwarves, and lines imploring both sides to join together. If you have...
Under the city.

The Division gives everyone free Phoenix Credits to compensate for glitches

Have you endured some glitches in The Division? The developers are aware of the issues, and they're working to fix them. By way of...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Everything you need to know about Guild Wars 2’s April 2016 update

Today is the day, people: I'm hoping you're all willing and able to log in and follow along with the Q2 update patch notes...
So you're accelerating.

Star Citizen on power, insurance, and minimum viable products

Do you have a problem in your life with an increasingly skeptical car insurance provider? The first time you bring in your car covered...
No need for the fire, the spear hurt enough on its own.

Black Desert’s Korean version previews the Musa’s awakening

The Musa isn't yet here for North American Black Desert players, but you can still look forward to the awakening for the class. Korean...

RuneScape releases greatly improved NXT game client

RuneScape has come a long, long way from its days of being a crude assembly of jagged polygons. While the title got a nice visual...
Everything's fine.

Journey down Overwatch’s road to launch with dev video

Overwatch's launch is just a little over a month away, and those are sure to be busy for developers. If you're curious to know...

Fragmented releases Steam early access trailer

Are you hyped yet for Fragmented, the survival sandbox spinoff of indie sandbox MMORPG The Repopulation? Ahead of its Steam early access launch next...

Mabinogi launches first major story update since 2014

Mabinogi is surely one of the most elaborate MMORPG sandboxes that you're likely to have never played, and it almost slipped under our radar...
Maybe that's the horrible, fundamental blade that sits at the heart of every nudge forward. That if you're forced to really ask yourself for honesty, you realize that love is just a word you use to justify doing hard work for someone who never thanks you in a way you find meaningful or satisfying.

Funcom’s Secret World-inspired The Park arrives on consoles May 3rd

Funcom is a busy little bee this month, with patches for most of its MMORPGs, teasers for its upcoming survival sandbox, and now a...

The MOP Up: ARK’s free PvP version goes wide (April 17, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Make My MMO: Ascent’s launch, Elite’s Engineers, and Star Citizen’s new concept ship (April 16, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, space games have dominated the headlines. Indie Kickstarted sandbox Ascent: The Space Game formally launched out of early...

The Black Death devs on permadeath, optimization, and regional accessibility

Ahead of its April 19th early access launch, Green Man Loaded has published a Q&A video for The Black Death. The devs thumb through...