Trove takes to the skies in a new patch

What more can sandvox Trove add to its beta program? How about the power to rebel against the forces of gravity and take to the skies! In the Take Flight update that went live on Tuesday, Trove added the ability for players to equip wings and be able to soar over the land. This is part of an ongoing effort...

Configurable corp friendly fire is coming to EVE Online

February 17th's Tiamat patch for EVE Online will "give player corporations the ability to configure whether friendly fire within the corporation is considered legal or if it will carry criminal penalties," CCP explained in a dev blog released this week. Possible penalties include security status hits, criminal flagging, and CONCORD intervention in high-sec space. Why the changes? CCP says that...

Darkfall’s next patch nerfs fast travel, tweaks mounts

Aventurine is teasing Darkfall's latest patch, which is currently scheduled for the "last week of February." A new clan perks system based on the player perks system is in the works, as are leaderboards, mount changes, and significant alterations to the PvP sandbox's fast travel system. "Instant travel makes the world feel less populated since players can and will avoid...

Allods’ Broken Chains update is coming March 5

Allods has announced that its 6.0 Broken Chains update will hit your server on March 5th. "Many innovative features await you, " the dev team promises, "from mountain-hopping travel systems and optimized reward trading to progress-logging and optional raid modes that are built to suit your pace." Today's news blurb says that more information is on the way between now...

Star Trek Online changes executive producers

Star Trek Online has a new captain helming its ship, as Stephen D'Angelo has stepped down as executive producer and long-time STO dev Stephen Ricossa has filled the vacancy. D'Angelo will now be Cryptic's chief technology officer in charge of overseeing "several internal projects." Ricossa introduced himself as a life-long Star Trek fan and teased one big upcoming change to...
Freedom Falls

Forsaken World expansion adds godhood, new race and class

If you're looking for a reason to try Forsaken World -- or maybe you're looking for a reason to return -- how does a new expansion sound? Perfect World released Freedom Falls yesterday, which added everything from new solo and group instances to pet transformation to the free-to-play fantasy MMO. There's a new race (Demon) and a new class (Tormentor),...

Take a peek at Skyforge character creation and a zone panorama

What sort of character are you going to make in Skyforge? A new user video shows off the character creator and classes from the most recent Russian test event, walking viewers through the various creation options in some detail. The video is embedded just past the break, and there are plenty of sliders, idle pose options, and the like...

Read the scoop on Neverwinter’s newest zones

There's a lot to take in with Neverwinter's upcoming Elemental Evil module, including two brand-new zones to the game: Drowned Shore and Reclamation Rock. In a dev diary posted last week, the team delivered the back story on both of these areas and gave players some hints on what to expect when the update goes live. The Drowned Shore used...

SWTOR teases season four PvP rewards

In previous PvP seasons for Star Wars: The Old Republic, players never had a clue what the rewards for their efforts might be until midway through the season. But this time around, BioWare has teased us with a single image of the weapons we can expect. According to the official post, these weapons are called the Swashbuckler's set, but they aren't the...

Player structures are coming to Pathfinder Online

It's hard to think of a sandbox game without the ability to create and dwell in player structures, but until now that feature has been missing from Pathfinder Online. Fortunately, this will change with Update 4.0 on February 19th, which promises to bring in the first wave of temporary player structures that can be used to populate the world. The...