SWTOR gets its first flourishing mount

Did you see the Star Wars trailer where Daisy Ridley is riding that popsicle speeder bike? No, I'm not talking about today's trailer, but...

SkySaga explains the tech behind its good looks

SkySaga's developers don't want you to automatically lump their title in with the rest of the voxel crowd based on it looks. A new...
Games of Glory

Games of Glory ‘SHMOBA’ features persistent universe, shooter mechanics

Are you in the market for a new MOBA? Developer Lightbulb Crew is making one called Games of Glory and it's coming to Steam...

EverQuest will run an open beta for its new progression server

Plans are moving forward for EverQuest's new progression server, and to help fill in the community, Daybreak has posted a new FAQ that explains...
That old saw.

Eternal Crusade updates players on design goals and founder packs

The melee combat in Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade has gone through several revisions, and it's going to go through several more. The latest State...

Chaos Theory: Six more tips for new Secret World players

You didn't seriously think that six tips could come close to encapsulating the knowledge needed to start in The Secret World, did you? Of...
Make my time a priority.

WildStar is now on clearance at Best Buy

So... you all remember how yesterday saw WildStar boxes being yanked in Australia, combined with that promotion encouraging players to buy more boxes of...
Yeah, thanks, I'm good.

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Welcome Back Weekend starts today

Were you a beta tester on The Elder Scrolls Online but declined to purchase the game? Would you like to see what the game...

Mo’s Egg Hunt: April 16, 2015

When Massively Overpowered first announced its partnership with NewEgg, we promised more from the relationship than just advertising. And we've delivered! You've already seen some awesome giveaways...

Exclusive: Cabal II previews four launch dungeons

Upcoming MMO Cabal II has previously showcased on Massively OP its fluid combat mechanics and RIFT-like Abysmo system that spawns random mini-dungeons in the open world....