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PUBG’s Sanhok map enters the final testing stretch

As PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds runs its new and highly anticipated Sanhok map through a fourth round of testing, players can at least be consoled with...
A prison of your own making.

PUBG Corp sues Epic Games, claiming Fortnite plagiarized its UI and items

Last autumn, Bluehole and PUBG Corp locked horns with Epic Games over PUBG's assertion that Fortnite had all but ripped off PUBG's battle royale...

Chinese authorities arrest 15 more accused PUBG hackers, fining them over $5M

Bluehole and PUBG Corp are apparently continuing their government-backed crackdown on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds cheaters. Last week, PUBG Corp told Steam players that it takes cheating...

Coming soon: PUBG will finally let players block their most hated maps

Mappety map map maps. Soon you can pick your own map in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and won't be stuck in Miramar. According to PUBG Corp, people...

PUBG Corp’s infringement lawsuit against NetEase may not be completely ridiculous after all

Last week, we wrote about how PUBG Corp is suing NetEase (and NetEase is threatening to sue everyone) over alleged copyright infringement in regard...

PUBG Corp sues Netease for cloning PUBG in Knives Out and Rules of Survival

Let the battle royale lawsuits begin! TorrentFreak caught wind of a new lawsuit in California that ought to set all the cloners on edge:...

PUBG: Record profits in 2017, Savage map, PC patch, and the doom of mobile

PUBG may be giving up ground to Fortnite, but it made Bluehole a crapton of money last year. MMO Culture reports that the company...
This one's for you, guy.

Fortnite talks game modifications while players design forts and resell skins, all while crushing PUBG

There's a lot of stuff swirling around the Fortnite community of late, starting with adjustments to the game's Blitz mode to reduce how many...

Fortnite dominates iOS mobile charts, PUBG soft launches in North America, and somebody stabs somebody else over PUBG

Fortnite's mobile version is already kicking butt and taking names, even landlocked to iOS. According to app-tracker SensorTower, the game is ranked #1 for...

PUBG, TERA, and A:IR company Bluehole has gone on a shopping spree

South Korea's Bluehole has been busy as the rise of PUBG has filled its coffers. It partnered with Tencent. It's been hiring for TERA's...
Everyone shoots everyone else!

Fortnite is now more popular on Twitch than PUBG

Who saw this one coming? Fortnite has officially pushed past PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds in terms of games that get the most playtime on Twitch. That's...

MMO Business Roundup: EA Spouse 14 years later, PUBG poaching from Riot, and Funcom financials

Welcome back to another edition of our informal business roundup, where we wedge all the fun MMO industry tidbits that pile up in our...

PUBG delays roadmap to March, retools ping-lock plans

The ping-locking system that PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds began testing last month is finally back on track, PUBG Corp says today on Steam. The team says...

PUBG feb20 (titles only)


PUBG’s Reshade-blocking patch lands tonight as Bluehole bans 1M cheaters in January

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has an extreme cheating problem, and it's not going away. Anti-cheat tool BattlEye announced today that it helped Bluehole ban over a...

PUBG: PC’s anti-cheat measures, Xbox One damage tweaks, and Microsoft acquisition rumors

Patchy patch patch! It's patch day for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds' test server. On PC, Bluehole says it's still working on the ongoing anti-cheat measures it's...
Oh well.

SuperData December 2017: Fortnite and PUBG kick butt, while Destiny 2 slumps

SuperData's December 2017 global revenue chart is out, and it's good news for the industry on the whole, as holiday spending was up by...

PUBG: Cheaters, China, charity, ping-locks, and running the biggest game in the world without a roadmap

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds isn't giving up on performance optimization and cheater crackdowns, you'll be glad to know. In its most recent Steam post, Bluehole says...

Tencent helps Chinese law enforcement arrest 120 people linked to PUBG cheats

If you thought Epic Games was being too rough on cheaters in Fortnite by smacking kids with personal lawsuits, wait until you hear what...