Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2018
While we lost several painful MMOs in 2016 and 2015, 2017 was noticeable chiefly because we lost a large number of small MMOs, perhaps signalling a...
Make My MMO: The biggest MMO crowdfunding news of 2018
Welcome to a special edition of Make My MMO, Massively OP's regular recap of what's going on in crowdfunded MMOs, which we do specifically...
The best Massively OP streams of 2018
Massively OP's long-running Stream Team, unquestionably captained by MJ and her sidekicks Larry and Andrew, got a welcome surprise this year: Our newest writer, Chris...
Jukebox Heroes: More MMO Christmas tunes
Merry Christmas everyone! As you hunker down for family time, presents, eggnog, or simply a quiet day off and some gaming time, chances are...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best graphical appeal as of 2018?
We don't give out a formal end-of-the-year award for MMO graphics at Massively OP. It'd be almost impossible to come to a consensus. As...
Flameseeker Chronicles: My Guild Wars 2 goals for 2018
It's the time of year for spring-cleaning and goal-setting, where we look ahead to a fresh start filled with plenty of days left for...
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO hopes and wishes for 2018
One of the frustrating bits about our end-of-the-year content rollouts is that sometimes predictions and story roundups can come across as negative. It’s way too easy...
The Daily Grind: Any MMO resolutions for 2018?
It's almost 2018, and that means we can bid farewell to one year and start a new one that... well, will probably feel much...
Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2018
With 2017 drawing to a close and 2018 rushing up to meet us, the Massively OP team has regrouped for another round of bold...