2020 eoty community

The Daily Grind: Which MMO studio had the best communication in 2020?

As I'm sitting down to write this annual Daily Grind, I find myself wishing I could flip it around and talk about the MMO...

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2021?

Yep, it's that time of year again: We've been doing this recap for the last several years, although this one is going to be...

The Daily Grind: Which game made the biggest contribution to killing MMORPGs in 2020?

Here's a sobering but fun tradition we've done at the top of the year ever since MOP commenter deekay suggested it back in 2016:...

The Daily Grind: What was the most innovative MMO of 2020?

Ages back, we used to run a "most innovative MMO" award, and it was one I always liked because it was a good spot...

The Daily Grind: Will you kickstart any MMOs in 2021?

I think I managed to make it all the way through 2020 without Kickstarting a single game, or anything at all, for that matter....

Leaderboard: What was the most overrated MMO of 2020?

Longtime readers will know we've been granting an official end-of-the-year award for the most underrated MMO for several years now. But it comes along...

Leaderboard: What was the best new MMO or online game of 2020?

It's been a long time since a brand-new MMORPG really deserved a GOTY award - in fact, my my reckoning, it was was 2016,...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs are you no longer anticipating in 2021?

At the end of every year for almost as long as I can recall, we've delivered our "most anticipated" award. The winners in 2019...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most expensive MMO to play at the start of 2021?

Let's be honest, most gamers are not in fact made of money, and so we spend a lot of time thinking about (and arguing...
Welcome to funky town.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs are making you happy at the start of 2021?

There hasn't yet been time for any major updates or changes to hit most games in 2021. That's just the reality; we've only been...

The Daily Grind: What are your 2021 gaming goals?

Congrats! You've managed to survive one of the toughest years of your life, and you looked amazing doing it! In fact, how do you...
glargh and suchlike

Leaderboard: What’s the best classic MMORPG still running at the end of 2020?

It's been a longstanding problem that end-of-the-year awards for MMORPGs aren't ideal for honoring "classic" MMOs, especially the really old games, really small games,...
Emergency food.

The Daily Grind: Do you have any MMO resolutions for 2021?

This terrible year is almost behind us, and that means it's time to start thinking about the next one. Which brings to mind resolutions...

The Daily Grind: Which gaming company told the biggest fib in 2020?

We have a rule at MOP: "Save your recordings." This is specifically because studios have said things to us on the record and then...

The Daily Grind: What MMO will change its business model dramatically in 2021?

Years ago, it was a MOP tradition around the end of the year to speculate on which MMORPG that hadn't yet gone free-to-play would...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best console experience at the end of 2020?

I thought 2019 was a big year for console thanks to Black Desert's multiple console launches, but 2020 was far from shabby itself. The...
Faires past

The Daily Grind: Which MMO had the best player community in 2020?

So here's a fun Daily Grind we've been doing for the last few years, and it seems fitting to bring it back around today,...

The Daily Grind: What MMO has the brightest future right now heading into 2021?

A Massively Overthinking roundtable about MMOs with bright future that we did a few years ago was so popular that we decided to make...

The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO industry trend of 2020?

As is tradition around MOP, we always follow up our award for best gaming trend with a discussion of the worst trend too because...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offered the best PvP experience in 2020?

A few years back, we retired our award for the best PvP experience in an MMO, largely because neither our writers nor readers really...