2nd anniversary

It's rated for space travel.

Dual Universe marks its second anniversary with a guided tour of player-built locations

Friday, September 27th, will mark two years of operation for the sci-fi building and PvP sandbox Dual Universe, which is obviously cause for developer...

Embers Adrift counts off two years of updates ahead of its second anniversary

Embers Adrift is about to celebrate two years of operation, and while there are likely going to be in-game celebrations or other events to...

Diablo IV and Diablo Immortal mark their respective anniversaries with March of the Goblins events

Blizzard is combining two anniversaries into one this week, as both Diablo IV and Diablo Immortal have been in operation for one and two...

Melee-focused battle royale Naraka Bladepoint goes free-to-play, celebrates two years, and launches on PS5

This week is a pretty big one for the melee-centric battle royale Naraka: Bladepoint, with a second anniversary celebration, a launch on the PlayStation...

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis continues celebrating two years with free lootboxes, boost event, and quests

The two-year anniversary for Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is continuing to roll out this month as the second half of the festivities...