
‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Elder Scrolls Online community grumbles over Morrowind class nerfs and the impending Warden takeover

Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind has a lot of casual players, former players, and future players excited for its launch in June. But what about...

Funcom’s Joel Bylos on the difference between MMOs and survival sandboxes

Funcom's Joel Bylos features in a Twitch interview on Gamasutra this week talking up Conan Exiles and explaining the core difference between server-based survival...
So long.

The Exiled goes free-to-play for its third season

The Exiled, the PvP MMO formerly known as Das Tal, is making some business model changes. When it launched into early access back in February,...

Maclaine Diemer opens up about composing Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Today we are sitting down with ArenaNet Lead Composer Maclaine Diemer, who players might best know from his work on Guild Wars 2: Heart...

Perfect Ten: Time travel in MMORPGs

Over the years, I've been fascinated with the concept of time in MMORPGs. It's one of those things that developers probably don't want you...

Tamriel Infinium: Why I changed my mind about Elder Scrolls Online

When I took the trip to ZeniMax Online Studios to check out Morrowind a couple of months back, I was sitting at a table with...

Crowfall has big changes in store for its alpha UI

An MMORPG with a crappy user interface doesn't last long in 2017. ArtCraft has this lesson memorized and has put it to good use...

Flameseeker Chronicles: 5 brilliant Guild Wars 2 YouTube content creators

I often find that playing Guild Wars 2 leaves me with more questions than answers when it comes to lore and story predictions, build...

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind drops a Warden class gameplay trailer

Ah, trailer season is almost upon us, and The Elder Scrolls Online is inching closer today with its video of the Warden, the new...
But the same old story.

Amazon job posting reveals New World details

A job listing for a player relations specialist may be inadvertently giving us a glimpse of a few details concerning Amazon's upcoming New World MMORPG. Tucked...

Guild Wars 2 player recreates Mona Lisa in guild hall

Never underestimate the ingenuity and creative spirit of players when they are given even the most bare-bones tools in an MMORPG. To wit, a player who...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind closed beta test has begun

Get your "It's happening!!!" gifs ready: ZeniMax announced this morning that the invites for The Elder Scrolls Online's Morrowind beta are riding out on...

The MOP Up: Overwatch gives smurfing a pass (April 16, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Screenshots big enough to wallpaper your house

Obviously due to column width limitations, we have a fixed pixel size for screenshots here at Massively OP. But that doesn't stop some of...
There has to be money here somewhere.

SuperData CEO discusses the money problem of e-sports

Whether you're a big fan of the e-sports scene or you would be quite happy never hearing about it ever again, you are no...

The Stream Team: Racing to finish The Secret World’s Unseen achievement

It's definitely a day for racing. Massively OP's MJ is running out of time to complete The Unseen achievement in The Secret World before...

Massively Overthinking: MMOs, from hardcore to casual and back again

Massively OP reader Suikoden wrote this great question to the podcast -- too good to let just Justin and me answer it. It's a...

Elder Scrolls Online illustrates the Warden’s cold, nature, and summon abilities

If you liked Tuesday's quickie video of The Elder Scrolls Online's Warden healing plant spell, you're going to like today's dev blog too. The...

Watch the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns orchestral performance in its entirety

A few weeks ago, we mentioned that Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns music would be featured in concert in Seattle -- not so...

Snag a Twin Saga key from Aeria and Massively OP in honor of the Monk patch!

Twin Saga rolled out a truly massive patch this morning, introducing a brand-new Monk class to the cutesy Aeria MMORPG, along with a new story...