
Spun out of EA as one of the last remnants of Mythic Entertainment, Broadsword now runs Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot.

MMO dev Raph Koster disambiguates sandboxes, themeparks, simulation, and stagecraft

Veteran MMO developer Raph Koster, who himself is working on a sandbox MMO couched in a metaverse, is back with another dev blog this...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is *least* focused on fashion wars?

I've been thinking about this topic ever since Blizzard tweeted a joke about "cursed mogs" in World of Warcraft. Honestly, while vanilla WoW definitely...

Massively Uplifting: WoW players break barriers, Bungie and ZeniMax raise money to help children

Summer sweetness is not just for corn and watermelon! No, it's for all the kind and generous gestures of of our fellow gamers and...

The Game Archaeologist: That time when EverQuest let you play as the monsters

It's a near-given that in every MMORPG, players assume the roles of heroes who are sent out to vanquish the evil, dark, or at...

Massively Overthinking: Is old-school MMO dungeon-camping ever coming back?

A while ago on the MOP Podcast, Justin and I randomly wound up on the topic of camping in MMOs - not pitching a...

Working As Intended: MMOs that wish they were Star Wars Galaxies

"My friends and I would skin someone alive for an SWG 2," an old Star Wars Galaxies player recently wrote on Reddit, and that...

The Game Archaeologist: The origins of Blizzard, Mythic, Funcom, SOE, and BioWare

A good origin story always captivates me, especially when it gives me a new perspective on something I've come to appreciate over the years....
There's a lesson here.

Ultima Online begins testing 25th anniversary rewards, delivers summer gifts

It might be hard to believe it, but Ultima Online is about to turn 25 years old this fall. My brain doesn't even believe...

The Daily Grind: What’s the longest time period you’ve ever subbed to a single MMO?

This question is a bit biased toward the subscription era of MMOs, but I think it still has some relevance given just how many...

Whatever happened to Islet Online?

Back in February 2019, we were pulled in the direction of Islet Online, a cutesy and colorful blocky sandbox MMO from Korea that made...

Massively Overthinking: Solved problems in MMOs

One of the most annoying pet peeves this genre seems to spin up frequently is some companies' tendency to treat solved problems as unsolved...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: MMOs that have fallen to the dark side of cryptocurrency

Here's an interesting point that's worth considering: For all the talk about cryptocurrencies, NFTs, the metaverse, and other Web3 buzzwords being the future of...

Massively Overthinking: Which classic MMOs hold up the best visually in 2022?

As one of our resident fans of old MMOs, I always have to clarify that it's the systems and ideas in old games that...

Massively Overthinking: ‘Every MMO inconvenience is someone else’s game’

A while back, someone in our comments (I can't find it again, so I can't remember who!) dug up a quote from Raph Koster...

Crowfall’s Gordon Walton joins Raph Koster’s Playable Worlds MMO and platform

Raph Koster's Playable Worlds MMORPG has picked up two new executives today: Gordon Walton and Omar Abdelwahed. Walton will be immediately recognizable to modern MMO...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida skipped Final Fantasy XI at launch to play Dark Age of Camelot

Naoki Yoshida is best known for his role as the producer and director of Final Fantasy XIV, but the fact of the matter is...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most unique hybrid class in an MMO?

Back in the long long ago, the idea of "hybrid" classes and skills sets was a big deal. Classic EverQuest, for example, borrowed from...

The Game Archaeologist: The ’90s BioWare MMORPG that almost was

These days, if you mention "BioWare" and "MMORPG" in the same sentence, it's most certainly going to be about Star Wars: The Old Republic....

Massively Overthinking: The minimum requirements for MMO player housing

We've got housing on the brain lately, thanks to Ship of Heroes' housing beta, Final Fantasy XIV's botched housing lottos, Warframe's new housing, and...
My expectations weren't that I would be jumping into this right away, but...

Ultima Online rolls out Treasures of Fey Wrath event to the live shards

Ultima Online has kicked off another artifact-laden server event in the form of Treasures of Fey Wrath. This particular version of the "treasures of"...