Casually Classic is a World of Warcraft Classic column by Justin Olivetti. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]
casually classic
Casually Classic: How permadeath runs are revitalizing WoW Classic
While I don't have any hard data on the subject, just observing the World of Warcraft Classic scene (and ABK's financials) over the past...
Casually Classic: The Death Knight starter experience is still the best WoW ever did
Recently, along with what seemed like half the population of the globe, I rolled up a brand-new Death Knight in WoW Classic to take...
Casually Classic: Making the call to quit WoW or not
A week ago I didn't think I'd be sitting here and writing this, but I'm done with WoW Classic -- and with this column.
Casually Classic: Why it’s so good to Zangarmarsh and chill in WoW Classic
Burning Crusade's Outland shows all the hallmarks of being a playground for developers to flex and try new things. I always was amused at...
Casually Classic: WoW Classic’s Burning Crusade entry ditch
With this year's Burning Crusade Classic, the dynamics of leveling in WoW Classic shifted just as they did originally. Before Burning Crusade came along...
Casually Classic: What retail WoW could (re)learn from Burning Crusade Classic’s class progression
Now that we're weeks into Burning Crusade Classic, players are discovering that despite many antiquated design elements, this expansion is still a whole lot...
Casually Classic: What if you don’t want to raid in WoW Classic Burning Crusade?
If I had to sum up what my WoW Classic guild is doing in these first few weeks of Burning Crusade, it would be...
Casually Classic: The WoW Classic vanilla era is over, and I won’t miss it
With the launch of World of Warcraft Classic's Burning Crusade this past week, the door has been (mostly) closed on what is now being called...
Casually Classic: Ranking WoW Classic’s racial and class mounts
Now that the pre-patch has arrived for WoW Classic's Burning Crusade, leveling characters are enjoying being able to snag a mount at level 30...
Casually Classic: Fondly looking back at World of Warcraft’s Burning Crusade beginner zones
Whenever discussion about Burning Crusade turns to which zones players like the best, it's almost always focused solely on the seven additional Outland regions...
Casually Classic: Yeah, those Burning Crusade Classic prices are stupid high
If there's anything that Blizzard excels in doing these days, it's taking a slam-dunk publicity announcement and turning it into a hurricane of poop....
Casually Classic: The brilliance of World of Warcraft’s sound design
Can you hear pictures? Well, I bet you heard the banner graphic for today's column because that level-up sound from World of Warcraft is...
Casually Classic: Four alternative day one strategies for WoW Classic’s Burning Crusade
OK, real talk time, people. Is there anyone out there that, knowing the zone design of Burning Crusade and Blizzard's track record with launches,...
Casually Classic: Ranking WoW Classic’s capital cities (through Burning Crusade)
Even more so than they are in retail World of Warcraft, WoW Classic's capital cities are the central bustling hub of commerce and staging...
Casually Classic: Three things I’m anticipating (and three I’m dreading) for WoW’s Burning Crusade Classic
With the Burning Crusade Classic beta underway, it's hard not to be dwelling on the near future of WoW Classic. Everyone's maneuvering their accounts,...
Casually Classic: In defense of a good ‘looking for group’ tool in World of Warcraft
While World of Warcraft certainly made a number of questionable design decisions over the years, for my money one of the absolute best moves...
Casually Classic: How World of Warcraft made bad graphics look good
When I returned to World of Warcraft Classic in 2019, I steeled myself to be vastly underwhelmed by the visuals. I'm not a graphics...
Casually Classic: Will WoW Burning Crusade Classic’s level boost be the casual’s best friend?
While the announcement of Burning Crusade Classic at BlizzCon last month was of no surprise to even comatose cave dwellers, details of that announcement...
Casually Classic: How Burning Crusade revolutionized WoW questing
While it's been a blast stepping back into an era where I can re-experience World of Warcraft as it once was, playing WoW Classic...
Casually Classic: What’s the point of playing WoW Classic in 2021?
Welcome to Casually Classic, a new column here on Massively OP dedicated to examining World of Warcraft Classic from the vantage point of a...