
Guild Wars 2 seeks the roller beetle champions of the world – qualifiers are this weekend and next

There are two types of Guild Wars 2 players: Those who stop to smell (and loot) the roses, and those who experience the game...
Someone's dropping a hit single.

Blade & Soul is open for esport championship registration through July 26

If you want to prove yourself the absolute best player in Blade & Soul, your chance to prove it is now. Player registrations are...

London Spitfire topped this weekend’s Overwatch League world championship as second season franchise buy-ins climb

The Overwatch League's first season grand finals have wrapped up, and the London Spitfire has emerged as the world victor. The Spitfire shut out...

ArcheAge Begins debuts its regional championship mode

Gamevil's mobile spinoff of ArcheAge, ArcheAge Begins, pumped out its fourth content update this past week. The focus this time around was the debut...

World of Warcraft expands its arena world championship series

World of Warcraft is cranking back up its Arena World Championship series for another run -- and this year it looks to be bigger...

ARK championships rage on this weekend

This is the weekend that Americans will get out their grills, shoot off some fireworks, and celebrate their independence from the tyranny of dinosaurs....

Arizona State University team wins Heroes of the Storm’s Heroes of the Dorm

Four college teams faced off at the Heroes of the Dorm championship, and now one team has emerged as the winner. Heroes of the...

Heroes of the Storm announces Spring Global Championship

The past few years have seen MOBAs take over the competitive gaming landscape, with just a handful of games managing to attract millions of...

SMITE hosts World Championship and Xbox One Invitational this week [Updated]

Ten teams are going head-to-head today in the SMITE World Championship to compete for the $500,000 grand prize. The tournament runs from today through Sunday,...

Not So Massively: An amazing revamp for LoL’s Poppy (November 30, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...
Let's rock.

Blade & Soul will include North American players in its next world championship

Do you want to be the best around, with nothing that will ever keep you down? Blade & Soul makes a point of being...

Heroes of the Storm championships are live this weekend, with more championships coming at BlizzCon

Which team in the North American region is best at playing Heroes of the Storm? You can find out this weekend with the American...
You can't really go back again.

World of Warcraft gears up for WoW Tokens and arena championships

Can you part with real money more easily than you can part with hours of time to farm up gold in World of Warcraft?...