character creation

Hanging with my Gnomies: A first look at DDO’s newest race

Small races in MMOs always have their die-hard supporters (as well as haters), so it's not hard to imagine that there are those who...

Amazon reveals new game engine and multiplayer game service

Engines have been big news for MMO players in recent months as indie sandbox The Repopulation's struggles with Hero Engine drove it offline and...

Black Desert’s Beauty and the Beast character screenshot contest has begun

The "Beast" part of Black Desert's Beauty and the Beast contest officially kicked off this morning. Daum invites future players to download the game's character...
Where the 'hood at.

The Daily Grind: What MMORPG character creator would you like to play offline?

I haven't the slightest interest in Black Desert for various reasons that deserve more than a pithy comment here, but boy, that standalone character...

Blade & Soul plans new servers to combat queues

The good news is that Blade & Soul is turning out to be pretty popular here in the west. The bad news is that...
Boss of the road.

Check out the customization options and race selection for Bless Online’s open beta

Customization for your character is important in any MMO. After all, you don't want your character to look exactly like every other character do...
What're you doing here?

Black Desert’s character creator tool available; CBT2 begins February 18

If you're most interested in when you can get back into playing Black Desert Online again, the answer is on February 18th. It's just...

The Stream Team: Blade & Soul’s headstart

Although Blade & Soul doesn't officially launch until the 19th, the headstart begins today. And that means MassivelyOP's MJ gets to jump in and...

Bless Online begins Korean open beta this month

If you're keeping tabs on Bless Online, it might cheer you up slightly to hear that it's revving up its Korean open beta later...

Should you play Black Desert or Blade & Soul?

Just the other day we were discussing in the office the differences between Black Desert and Blade & Soul, and I said that I...

First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test, part two: Crafting, gathering, and economy

On Friday, I took a look at the classes, combat, and tricky mechanics of upcoming sandboxy Korean-import Black Desert's first western closed beta test....

The Daily Grind: Is two-faction PvP ideal for MMORPGs?

Be they sandbox or themeparks, plenty of MMORPGs have hopped on the two-faction PvP bandwagon. A player rolls up on the red side or blue side at character...

How to abuse Blade and Soul’s character creator for evil and amusement

There are two types of MMO gamers when it comes to character creation. The first group attempts to craft a character that looks terrific...
I can see you now.

First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test: Classes, combat, and mechanics

Over the course of my first day in Black Desert, I did a lot of the things you'd expect from the first day in...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

Global Chat: Wrapping up 2015 across the MMORPG blogosphere

As the final pages turn on 2015, MMO bloggers engage in a favorite pastime of recalling their best and most notable gaming experiences of...
Thus does the sun soon set.

Dogma: Eternal Night nears the end of its Kickstarter campaign

The sun is setting on the Kickstarter campaign for vampire-themepark Dogma: Eternal Night, and at the time of this writing, the future doesn't look particularly...

The Stream Team: Inside Black Desert’s closed beta

We've been hearing about Black Desert for quite a while now, but what's it really like? Today's your chance to find out! MassivelyOP's MJ...
Well, it was nice of you to call.

Valiance Online releases screenshots and a promise of more to come

The team behind Valiance Online has been rather quiet lately, but a long string of silence was broken recently with a quartet of new...
I repent.

Hands-on: Blade & Soul’s early beta has solid mechanics, but not much else

I've had some time to think about Blade & Soul, and I'm still not sure exactly what I want to say about it. I...
Bear bomb!

The Daily Grind: What MMO has the best character hairstyles?

We talk a lot about systems for changing the look of what your character is wearing, but what we don't talk about nearly enough...