

The Daily Grind: Should video game developers unionize?

The New York Times ran an op-ed from Kotaku editor Jason Schreier last week outlining the perils of game industry "crunch": 80-to-100-hour weeks, often...

EA has put the kibosh on a player-run Battlefield emulator – are MMOs next?

We don't cover the Battlefield games much on Massively OP, but this particular story caught my attention anyway because of the company and subject...

CCP Games ceases VR development, closes two studios – no negative impact on EVE Online

Icelandic business website has just reported that EVE Online developer CCP Games is planning to close two of its offices and cease all...

Here’s what you missed from last weekend’s Star Citizen’s CitizenCon 2017

While it surely won't comfort anyone angrily counting down the days until alpha 3.0's eventual release to all backers, Star Citizen's CitizenCon 2017 delivered an...

Destiny 2’s players grumble over lack of social features; Bungie posts Curse of Osiris release date, trailer

The original Destiny featured such robust social features as poorly managed chat options and a total dearth of social features to help people form...

Pantheon’s social systems aren’t ‘simply bringing back the past’

One of the most interesting things to cover when it comes to Pantheon's development has been its reconciliation of two superficially opposing ideas for...

Chronicles of Elyria raffles off a throne, retools community event to avoid exploits

Strange things are afoot in Chronicles of Elyria. For starters, there is a single throne available on a North American server that's up for...

The Daily Grind: How can individual MMO players combat toxicity?

MOP reader Tyler sent us a tip over the weekend that keeps bothering me. According to a post made on Facebook this weekend, a...

This is why ‘playing alone together’ still makes you feel connected. But is it helping?

Whenever the topic of playing solo in MMORPGs comes up, invariably the expression "playing alone together" is worked into the conversation. This is the...

One Shots: Mummies making tracks

Let me tell you, I'm not playing RIFT right now but still I am so very tempted to log on and purchase that squirrel...

Path of Exile plots turmoil and mayhem

Due to a rearrangement of its content release schedule that resulted in a delay for the next patch, Path of Exile is attempting to...
just come back

WRUP: World of Warcraft: The We Just Want Eliot To Come Back Expansion edition

Well, here's our World of Warcraft expansion leak. Apparently, it's titled World Of Warcraft: The We Just Want Eliot To Come Back Expansion. I...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO delivers players the best ‘tricks?’

"Trick or treat!" Kids say this over and over every October 31st, but let's be honest: They're only looking for the treats. If an adult...

Massively Overthinking: The state of early access, alpha, and beta ‘testing’ in the MMO genre

I remember years ago when then-Massively-columnist Rubi Bayer let loose with a blistering rant on the state of faux beta MMOs. She helmed Betawatch...
Sometimes we're all on the same side... sort of.

Star Wars: The Old Republic responds to fan concerns about the unexpected server move

Earlier this week, Star Wars: The Old Republic moved all of its game servers to the same location on the east coast. This made...

The Daily Grind: Are you an MMORPG gamer playing Destiny 2?

Pretty much the entire time between when Destiny 1 was announced and the day Destiny 2 was confirmed for PC, every single article we...

World of Warcraft emulator leaders attempt to soothe a skittish community

Following a nasty bout of corruption and scandal, the Elysium Project -- a World of Warcraft vanilla emulator -- has officially disbanded. In its...

MMO lockboxes: Market impact, regulation, and the letter of the law

GIbiz posted an article earlier this week peppered with quotes from Mat Piscatella, an NPD US games market analyst who suggests that the recent...
See, this is why no one likes you. It's because of this.

Cliffy B on LawBreakers: ‘As far as I’m concerned, [the press] can fuck off’

Here at Massively Overpowered, we generally try to avoid cursing, but there really are no two ways to put the Cliff Bleszinski quote from...
Bang bang.

Choose My Adventure: Not quite farewell to Guild Wars 2

I am not done with Guild Wars 2. This may or may not come as a surprise to people, but it's still the case regardless....