daily grind

See: The Daily Grind

This is the way we won't.

The Daily Grind: What cosmetic changes would you like for your MMO character abilities?

We live in an era when most designers have noticed that we like to control what our characters look like as well as how...

The Daily Grind: Are you a bad MMO hero?

By now it's an old hat that all MMORPGs keep casting us in the role of local hero and world savior. No matter where...
All right. We have figured this out now.

The Daily Grind: Is there an old MMO trend that’s never coming back?

Massively OP commenter BalsBigBrother made a joke the other day about wanting me to stream Ultima Online, and I replied that the game is...

The Daily Grind: How do you solve the MMORPG ‘Jedi Problem’?

MOP reader Witches noted in the comments of last week's Perfect Ten that Firefly seems to be better-suited for the kind of world that...

The Daily Grind: What do you want companion apps for MMOs to do?

I quite like the World of Warcraft: Legion companion app; it gives me a chance to send off my companions on missions, start research,...

The Daily Grind: What would you like MMORPG vanity pets to *do*?

I think I've made Bree roll her eyes dozens of times when I've waxed poetic about my love for vanity pets in MMOs. Hey,...

The Daily Grind: Are MMOs better the second time you play them?

Whenever someone makes a statement like "video games are better the second time you play them," my gut reaction is "nuh-uh!" That's exactly the...
Well-told, but not well-planned.

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs plan their last expansions out?

By all accounts, Final Fantasy XI's last expansion is Seekers of Adoulin. It was a good expansion, definitely... but it certainly doesn't feel like...

The Daily Grind: What underrated MMORPG would you recommend to others?

If we were asked to form a committee (such fun!) and come up with a list of, oh, say the top 10 most popular...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs auction off or delete the possessions of banned players?

One of the oddities revealed during RuneScape's RuneFest over the weekend is the fact that Jagex plans to auction off the in-game possessions of...
Still unable to purchase a bra, though.

The Daily Grind: Should MMORPGs levels be used for gating content?

Massively OP reader Sally Bowls recently pointed us to a blog post by Dr Richard Bartle about the leveling mechanic in RPGs -- and...
Ain't no school like the old school.

The Daily Grind: What MMO has the best dragons?

Dragons are almost criminally overused in fantasy. It's sort of understandable, since a big old dragon is sort of the iconic fantasy monster, but...
This game really provides no shortage of illustrations we need for this.

The Daily Grind: Do MOBAs and shooters compare with modern MMORPGs when it comes to social play?

Last month in an Overthinking topic, Massively OP's Andrew Ross issued what I thought was a provocative opinion: "I'd argue Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone,...
Always with Draenei.

The Daily Grind: Do account-wide rewards in MMOs make you more likely to do specific content?

I always had a hard time motivating myself to go through legacy raid content in World of Warcraft for appearances. It's not a matter...
Here we go again.

The Daily Grind: What makes for a great MMO expansion?

Pulling off a great MMO expansion has to be a tricky thing. Sure, there's the knee-jerk response of, "Just throw in everything awesome!" But what...
Yes, money.

The Daily Grind: Should MMORPG housing have login and maintenance rules?

A Massively OP reader named MrPoolaty recently wrote in to us to talk about the resumption of Final Fantasy XIV's housing demolition timers. See,...

The Daily Grind: Is gaming being ruined by hype?

Last week, one of my favorite MOP commenters, DeadlyAccurate, linked us to a Cracked article discussing how gaming is "being ruined by hype." Using...
Not hard puzzles, no, but still.

The Daily Grind: Are puzzles in MMOs a good thing?

I have a mixed relationship with puzzles in MMOs, because they can easily be a huge distraction from a game that's otherwise proving to...
Let's all work together to be kind of miserable.

The Daily Grind: What’s your take on Dual Universe’s subscription model?

If you read Dual Universe's Kickstarter from beginning to end, you probably noticed this section about the game's planned business model: "You won't have to...

The Daily Grind: Do low-budget imported MMOs have a place in the current market?

The sad news about Asta and ELOA's upcoming closure prompted a musing from longtime commenter GreaterDivinity regarding the import-run-close model that has long been...