daily quests

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best dailies?

Listen, I know that right now, the title of this post has provoked a lot of people to ignore the text I'm typing right...

ArcheAge activates a trio of summer events

If you think about it for a bit, MMO adventurers have a pretty tough life. They're always on the front lines, always fighting, always...
This is the way the world ends.

SMITE rolls out Season 3 with a new map, new skins, and new mechanics

The third season of SMITE has begun! Will Brad reveal his love for Dylan? Will anyone realize that Rachel is carrying Simon's child? Does...
Ah yes, teamwork.

The Daily Grind: What do you do in MMOs to calm down?

At the risk of giving you more information than you all want to hear, lately my anxiety issues have been reaching a fever pitch....