daniel erickson

Former SWTOR lead Daniel Erickson shares behind-the-scenes secrets

As you fight off another wave of the Rakghoul Plague (will it ever be cured?) in Star Wars: The Old Republic this week, you...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR fans should be excited about Fogbank

This week, I'm going to depart a little from the usual insights into the world around Star Wars: The Old Republic and talk about...

Another writer allegedly leaves BioWare – what on earth is going on with Anthem?

Surfacing at the tail end of last week was the news that multiple former BioWare devs who'd all contributed heavily to Star Wars The...

Former SWTOR creative director and key writers form up under new studio FogBank

We don't know exactly what titles they're working on, but three former Star Wars: The Old Republic veterans have joined forces under a studio...

Spirit Lords is an adorable mobile ARPG by SWTOR’s Daniel Erickson

Jonesing for a fun mobile Diablo-like title? Then it might behoove you to check out the recently released Spirit Lords on both iOS and...