
See: Dark Age of Camelot

One Shots: Nothing to see here, move along

Do you ever stop to realize just how much weirdness we see and dismiss every day as MMO gamers? If a fraction of the...

Ask Mo: The trouble with roleplaying in MMORPGs

Long ago on Massively-that-was, a reader named Avaera sent in a long list of fabulous questions worth addressing. I'm tackling another in today's edition...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs still going after ten years

It struck me, very recently, that a decade is a long time for MMOs. If we're going to count Ultima Online as the first proper...

Shards Online prepares for pre-alpha test on May 9th

Shards Online is preparing to give players a brief taste of its future potential, as Citadel Studios is planning on a pre-alpha test to...

Dark Age of Camelot welcomes traveling merchants, prepares next patch

If the latest Dark Age of Camelot newsletter is any indication, the team and community are crazy involved with this classic RvR MMO. Broadsword...
This is not the knighthood.

Dark Age of Camelot newsletter addresses future changes

The first newsletter for Dark Age of Camelot under Broadsword's management is out now, and it's largely looking to the future. The casual group...

Working As Intended: Six things I expect from serious MMO PvP

With PvP-encrusted MMORPGs like Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, and even Revival on the genre's horizon, I have a glimmer of hope that the future of MMO...

See Dark Age of Camelot’s new group finder in action

Wondering how that new casual group finder for Dark Age of Camelot is working out? Well, why not see for yourself? One of the RvR...
Dark Age of Camelot

Dark Age of Camelot is adding ‘casual group finder’

Broadsword took Dark Age of Camelot offline for the better part of today, according to its website. Why? To push out patch 1.117C, which tweaks dopplegangers, adds...