dev update
Nightingale shows off estate styles, new POIs, NPC body randomization, and fancy trees
While the release timing of gaslamp fantasy-styled survivalbox Nightingale still remains a bit up in the air, Inflexion Games is still eager to show...
Monsters & Memories spends July refining a dungeon, zones, character models, and backend tech
Throwback MMORPG Monsters & Memories has once again started this month with a look back at progress made this past July, with most of...
Sea of Thieves promises a more ‘predictable, regular cadence’ for content in latest video
In this week's Sea of Thieves developer update video, Executive Producer Joe Neate digs into the latest update for Rare's high-seas sandbox and discusses...
Latest Sea of Thieves developer update video details arena development progress, teases future updates
Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate is back again with the weekly development update video, and this week, he's here to talk a...
Latest Sea of Thieves developer update video addresses Shrouded Spoils feedback and achievement rebalance
It's been a little over a week since Sea of Thieves launched its Shrouded Spoils update, and while Executive Producer Joe Neate says that...
Sea of Thieves previews the PvP arena, the Sea Dogs trading company, and pets
Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate is back again for another developer update video, and this week the focus is on the upcoming...
Sea of Thieves talks Forsaken Shores, cargo runs, and the upcoming Bilge Rat Adventure
This week's Sea of Thieves developer update video is once again all about Forsaken Shores, which launched last week after a short delay. Executive...
Sea of Thieves weekly dev update addresses Forsaken Shores delay
Sea of Thieves Executive Producer Joe Neate is back for another weekly developer update, and this time it's all about -- you guessed it...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Examining Guild Wars 2’s winter 2016 update plans
Guild Wars 2 Game Director Colin Johanson dropped a massive amount of information about the direction development will take in the first quarter of 2016...