
– Early Access
– Electronic Arts

The Stream Team: All eyes on SWTOR’s big Iokath cliffhanger

If you watched the Choose My Alignment last week, you were treated to the most intense cliffhanger! Massively OP's Larry and MJ are on...

New World preview from Gamescom slips into the wild as Amazon announces alpha signups

The first previews of Amazon Game Studios' New World MMORPG are finally trickling in from Gamescom just as the wraps are coming off the...

Former SWTOR lead Daniel Erickson shares behind-the-scenes secrets

As you fight off another wave of the Rakghoul Plague (will it ever be cured?) in Star Wars: The Old Republic this week, you...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs are nearly different games with max settings or upgraded clients?

MOP reader Nibbana has a great question for The Daily Grind today. "So I just picked up Shadow in order to run my favorite...

A fluffy casual’s starting perspective on World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Let me tell you a bit about me and how I play MMORPGs. Between two jobs and a family, my gaming time is relegated...

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, part 3: Narrative

Part three covers expansion story: narrative design, the text, the intended emotional reaction, good vs. evil, comparisons to Wrathgate, and how the game's cinematic presentation is let down by its plot.
Buy some land, buy some land.

Mortgage company analyzes the price differences between video game housing, including Final Fantasy XIV

How much is your house worth in The Sims 4? Obviously, the game attaches a value to it, but that's just game terms and...
Baby were born to run from the other side.

Rend’s Jeremy Wood on how Frostkeep borrows from Blizzard, Dark Age of Camelot, and PlanetSide

GameDaily has an interview with Rend's Jeremy Wood this week that covers a bunch of meta topics of interest to MMO players and watchers...

Pre-alpha colony sim MMO Seed will grant players the tools to fight toxicity

Seed resurfaced this summer after intensive work by studio Klang Games building out the colony simulation MMO (plus a big influx of investor money),...

Battle Bards Episode 126: Out of this world

It’s time to boldly go where no podcast has gone before — by exploring MMO space themes! It’s perhaps the flat-out goofiest and silliest...

The Stream Team: What comes after SWTOR’s Knights of the Eternal Throne?

Now that Massively OP's Larry and MJ finished SWTOR's KOTET story, what's next? MJ has no idea really. Surely the story must go on...

Functional music boxes are coming in Elder Scrolls Online’s Murkmire

One of my most beloved possessions in Ultima Online is my music box: I spent months, probably years, collecting each "track" to insert into...
We have a bank!

Jagex gets into games publishing while RuneScape crosses $1 billion earned

Jagex isn't content to be "just the RuneScape studio" these days. The company announced today that it is preparing to move into the publishing...

Leaderboard: Must MMORPGs revolve around grouping to be MMORPGs?

It would be easy to dismiss Saga of Lucimia's pervasive "group-based or go home" ideas as mere rhetoric, but the reality is, there exists...

Global Chat: Is it worth your time to alpha test MMOs?

Taugrim raises a very interesting question this week on his blog. Namely, is it really worth your time to alpha test MMOs these days?...

Massively Overthinking: Should MMORPGs incentivize exploration – and how?

Our Daily Grind on exploration last week sparked an intriguing follow-up from MOP reader Miol. "When asking about sightseeing and exploration in MMORPGs, you also...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMO features that deserve widespread adaptation

You know what gets me excited about upcoming MMOs? It's certainly not the list of expected systems and features that have since become standard...

Interviewing the Bless team on the Assassin, merges, PvP, and concurrency as the patch goes live today

Bless Online is rolling out a hefty content update today as promised, including the Siege of Castra PvP battleground, the faction-based open-world Capital War,...

SWTOR’s Rishi stronghold and PvP tweaks are live today with the 5.9.2 update

Multiple goodies are coming to Star Wars The Old Republic today via its previously delayed but now launching 5.9.2 update. The headliner content is...
I want noisemakers.

BioWare explains more about Anthem’s split between MMO and single-player portions

Is Anthem a single-player game or an open-world MMO? The short answer is that it's both, but the split is a bit different from...