
– Early Access
– Electronic Arts

Global Chat: The ‘We Don’t Play World of Warcraft’ Club

What do you do when you don't play World of Warcraft but everyone else all around you does and won't stop talking about it...

EA adds new Origin Access premier membership that includes Anthem head start

Do you trust EA with your money? Want to do so on a regular basis? Then you are set up and primed for the...

Global Chat: Getting a handle on Legends of Aria

One of the great benefits of reading the wealth of MMO blogs out there is that you can touch base on a huge variety...
City again.

The Game Archaeologist: Digging up the history of City of Heroes

For the longest time in the early 2000s, MMORPGs scared me off. They looked too obtuse, too grindy, too ugly, and too unapproachable for...

The Daily Grind: Do you tilt toward sci-fi or fantasy in your MMOs?

I always found it weird that bookstores always shoved science fiction and fantasy subgenres together, kind of like a "here's a general section for...

EA would like a slice of that sweet, sweet battle royale pie, please

EA is still eyeing battle royale, but maybe not the way you're thinking. During the company's quarterly investor call this week, everyone clearly had Fortnite...

World of Warcraft admits that it has a serious leveling problem

World of Warcraft's expansion pre-patch kind of broke a lot of stuff that the devs are frantically rushing around trying to fix. One of...
when yo crush read yo note that say lemme smash

Massively Overthinking: Random acts of MMORPG kindness

Last week, down in the comments of an innocuous post about gamers being nice in Fortnite, a couple of MOP commenters requested a column...

Hyperspace Beacon: Making roleplay events deeper in SWTOR (or any other MMORPG)

From time to time, I like to break from talking about the latest news from Star Wars: The Old Republic to talk about what...
da da da da da da

Star Wars: The Old Republic bumps its next patch to August 7

Public test servers exist for a reason. Not just because unleashing your players on the game gives you access to a free and experienced...

The Stream Team: SWTOR’s KOTET plot twist

Plot twist! This was the only thing Massively OP's Larry and MJ could say after the revelation that ended the last episode of SWTOR's...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....

SuperData suggests Fortnite is ‘cannibalizing’ top online games as Epic’s value reaches $14B

Last week, SuperData released a thinkpiece on how Fortnite isn't necessarily destroying the rest of the gaming industry, but hold up because this week...

Former BioWare lead James Ohlen regrets not pushing SWTOR towards ‘Knights of the Old Republic Online’

Earlier this month, BioWare's James Ohlen announced that he was retiring from the company where he'd worked for more than two decades, part of...
Ultima Online

Ultima Online plans rentable storage vaults for F2P players, plus new castle and keep designs

With the game's 100th patch in the rear-view mirror, Ultima Online's developers are already hard at work on the 101st patch due out in...

The Game Archaeologist: Kesmai’s Air Warrior and Legends of Kesmai

Most studios would be overjoyed to have pioneered one significant advancement in video game history, but then again, most studios aren't Kesmai. While it's...
And if I press it enough time, sometimes there's a story!

Star Wars: The Old Republic lists Season 9 ranked PvP rewards

Grab that lightsaber or blaster and get to making war on your fellow player, because Star Wars: The Old Republic is about to finish...
And on and on and on...

Perfect Ten: Endless dungeons in MMOs

Most MMO dungeons are normal songs. You start out and you have a pretty clear picture of the beginning, middle, and end; they don't...

Global Chat: Looking back at World of Warcraft’s Legion

Now that the next World of Warcraft expansion is almost upon us, it's time to say farewell to Legion and all that that entails....

Former SWTOR creative lead James Ohlen departs BioWare, former Hearthstone boss Ben Brode announces new company

Some industry news this morning: James Ohlen announced that he's retiring from BioWare after more than two decades at the company. MMORPG fans will...