
First impressions of Marvel Snap, an addictive mobile card game by Hearthstone’s former director

Feeling the effects of the "superhero movie fatigue syndrome" that's going around these days, I wasn't overly eager to check out Marvel Snap when...

Vague Patch Notes: Alas, poor Crowfall, you’re gone now

Dusty dusty, ashy ashy, Crowfall's plane went crashy crashy. Yes, we are now talking about Crowfall very strictly in the past tense. You could...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go is just not keeping its community promises

For those who haven't been keeping score, I have. Niantic has now missed two Pokemon Go dev diary months: one in August, which was the...
This is shameful even by your standards.

Vague Patch Notes: The art of picking winners and losers in MMO design

There's a meme that's gone around the Final Fantasy XIV community sphere for a while, and I'm going to try my best to explain...

Massively on the Go: The Pokemon Go outlook for November 2022

After several several, constant event failures, Niantic still hasn't offered up a November blog for Pokemon GO. But it did release another homemade infographic...

Vague Patch Notes: Defining classic servers and progression servers for MMOs

Something that I've been thinking about a lot over the past few days - for no particular reason - is the idea of classic...

Four Winds: Lost Ark and the refinement of MMO item enhance systems

In the last edition of Four Winds, I promised I'd cover how three MMOs utilized item enhance systems to facilitate progression, and then I...
All things go, all things go.

Vague Patch Notes: MMO quality and the bandwagon fallacy

Here's a fact that is objectively true but feels objectively false: There's no law stating that the best MMO of all time, to date,...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s Elite Raids entry event was yet another disappointment

Once again, Pokemon GO developer Niantic has proven it's more than capable of delivering disappointment with the game's events. The company's infamously poor communication...

First impressions of Embers Adrift, the Kickstarted MMORPG once known as Saga of Lucimia

Those who know me will attest that I am not an old-school MMORPG player by heart. Every time I thought about getting into EverQuest...

Four Winds: The refinement of item enhance systems in MMOs, from Granado Espada to Black Desert

Itemization is a foundational system in many modern MMOs. After players reach the level cap, item levels largely drive the measurable progression of a...

Vague Patch Notes: Finger-pointing in the MMO and multiplayer games industry

I know for a fact that I've already made the joke at this point about how Babylon's Fall just straight-up Babylon Fell, but the...

Massively on the Go: Comms failures exacerbated Pokemon Go’s underwhelming raid day

Almost one year ago, the Pokemon GO community rallied around #PokemonNO, a movement spawned from players who knew #HearUsNiantic would fall on deaf ears. Well,...

Stick and Rudder: Everything we learned from Star Citizen’s CitizenCon 2022 presentations

I've lost five hours so you don't have to. This year's CitizenCon event for Star Citizen was definitely something, and while a great deal of...

Vague Patch Notes: Why are mobile MMOs Like That?

If you have read my writing a bunch over the years, you have probably observed me mentioning how much I like Final Fantasy Tactics...

Working As Intended: My 25 years of Ultima Online

Twenty-five years ago my boyfriend, Paul, and I walked into a shop to find a new game to play together. He picked up this...

Stick and Rudder: Venturing into EVE Online’s nullsec

EVE Online is a game that offers many experiences, from NPC faction warfare to harvesting, refining, and building to market speculation. But the one...
Gusts 'n' stuff

Vague Patch Notes: Mandatory content and game design in MMOs

Let me tell you about my second roommate in college. He was named Kyle, and he was benefiting from the fact that I had...

Massively on the Go: Splatoon 3’s Splatfest was a rocky start

So we've finally had Splatoon 3's first real Splatfest. While the pre-launch demo gave me plenty to look forward to, it was also obvious...

Massively on the Go: October brings new treats to Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO's Season of Light continues into October, and while a lot of the announced content looks as familiar as that candy corn you...