
Marvel Heroes emulator project gets loot updates and functioning missions in 0.4.0 build

The long and hard work of getting Marvel Heroes back into a functional state for emulator runners pushes forth, as the 0.4.0 version of...

PSA: Hackers hit World of Warcraft emulator TurtleWoW’s account database

As regular readers know, it's not our policy to report on emulators for MMORPGs that are actively running, and there are few that are...

ArcheAge’s player-run rogue servers are booming as the retail MMORPG’s sunset is looming

Now that fans of ArcheAge know for certain that their sandbox will be shutting down in June, there are some who are perhaps looking...
They're not attractive spaceships.

Star Wars Galaxies Legends checks in with dev progress on heroics, deep space comms, and City Update 2.0

If you've been wondering what's on the horizon for the Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server, then you're probably going to care about the...
We got it back, after all.

Perfect Ten: Dead MMOs resurrected via rogue servers

Last December, the Massively OP 2019 Awards gave its "Best Trend" nod to the rise of rogue servers in the MMO genre. Preservation of...