
MMO Mechanics: Economic stagnation in MMO economies

MMO economies are notoriously hard to balance, so most MMO players have seen the effects of stagnation and hyperinflation in an MMO economy for...

Perfect Ten: The top 10 craziest skills in Project Gorgon

It's no secret that many of us in the Massively OP office have a little bit of a game crush on Project Gorgon. Personally,...

Massively Overthinking: Building your dream MMORPG

Massively OP Kickstarter donor xenaphex wants to hear about our dream MMOs. What really makes you tick? What would you build with a million-bajillion...
We fought a bear.

Perfect Ten: The 10 MMO memories we all have

I have been playing MMOs with varying degrees of intensity for the past 12 years. That is really weird to me. It also means that...

The Game Archaeologist: Star Wars Galaxies’ NGE

It became one of the most infamous moments in MMO history -- and perhaps one of the most misunderstood. For all that the MMO community...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO futures that never were

One of the things I spend a lot of time thinking about is Operation Unthinkable. For those of you who don't feel like clicking...

Perfect Ten: Clever features that should be in more MMOs

MMOs are built on the backs of many interlocking systems, some more crucial to the experience than others. While I have great appreciation for...

MMO Mechanics: Brilliant MMO boss mechanics

I love a good boss fight as much as the next MMO player, and I'm sure I'm not alone in favouring fights that really...

Massively Overthinking: Whither went the classic PvE MMORPG?

Today's Massively Overthinking question was sent via e-pigeon from Kickstarter donor Apollymi. No e-pigeons were hurt in the writing of this article. "Have you heard...

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...

Perfect Ten: Ten lessons I learned as an MMO healer

Back in my World of Warcraft and RIFT days, I spent an awful lot of time in dungeon runs as a healer. I even...

Massively Overthinking: On the doom of server-wide MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes from KS donor Morreion, who asks, Do you think that MMO server-wide communities will ever make a comeback? I suppose...

Perfect Ten: Weirdly specific quests we keep encountering in MMOs

You know how you wince whenever you think of typing /played into your MMO and realize just how many hours you've given to a...

Perfect Ten: MMO terms that have overstayed their welcome

My original plan for this week - during the few moments that I was capable of coherent speech rather than just babbling about the...

Working As Intended: Sex, love, and MMOs

In the ongoing, neverending sandbox-vs.-themepark MMO debate, the folks on the side of sandboxes want one thing: more. Actually they want a lot more. They want...

MMO Mechanics: Three favourite action combat systems

Virtually every MMO contains dangerous places that are filled with other players or NPCs that will attack characters on site, and many also feature...

Perfect Ten: How to find the right MMO for you

A common question that I see posited around forums and Reddit is, "What MMO should I play?" If there is a more loaded question...

Working As Intended: Ten lessons I learned from classic Guild Wars

Guild Wars -- the first Guild Wars -- celebrates its 10th birthday this week alongside several of my characters who are equally old. I originally...

The Game Archaeologist: What Star Wars Galaxies life was like before the NGE

A decade after Star Wars Galaxies' "New Game Enhancements" hit the game, controversy, grumbling, and revelations still pop up about the notorious decision to...

Perfect Ten: Important features MMOs lacked at launch

Every MMO represents a journey, starting with an idea, progressing to a fledgling beta, launching as a production title, and growing thereafter. All of the...