
RIFT is upgrading its wardrobe system

Good news for the RIFT fashion set: Trion Worlds is working on an overhaul of the wardrobe system to give you even more cosmetic...

Guild Wars 2 dumps WvW requirement from world exploration

Have you been stuck on the last bit of world map completion in Guild Wars 2 because the World vs. World zones weren't cooperating?...

Crowfall walks you through the life of your character

Today Crowfall treated its fans to a whopper of a dev diary detailing the path of progression that a character will take from a...
Lost Continent - ArcheAge hero tractor

Lost Continent: In which we race ArcheAge tractors for money

So ArcheAge got five additional levels and a dungeon called The Library this week. To which I say, whoop-tee-funking-doo! Don't get me wrong --...

EverQuest Next ditches lore and general discussion forums

Assuming that there will be a wealth of lore and backstory in EverQuest Next, you won't be finding out about it on the official...

Neverwinter’s Elemental Evil expansion has been delayed

PWE and Cryptic have just announced that Neverwinter's Elemental Evil expansion -- yes, the one with Minsc and Boo -- has been delayed. Originally...

Mage Faire Online conjures a conflict-free creative playground

Had enough of combat in MMOs? Are you looking to express yourself... magically? Then you might want to take a peek at Mage Faire...

TUG alpha patch adds traps, slingshot, and storage

It's safe to say that you'll be accumulating a lot of materials and gear in the indie sandbox TUG, so storage is of a...

Lineage II: Infinite Odyssey announced

Make room in the 2015 expansion pool because Lineage II is about to do a cannonball right into the middle of it. NCsoft announced today...

Crowfall devs: ‘We see crafters as a full-time playstyle’

Crowfall's Kickstarter campaign has crossed the 12,000 backer mark and hit yet another stretch goal. This means that the team will be giving an All-Father...

Flameseeker Chronicles: The Guild Wars 2 legacy

Flameseeker Chronicles is back, now under new management! I can't tell you how thrilled I am to write the fortnightly column about all things...
Black Desert

New Valkyrie class is coming to Black Desert

Korean publisher Daum has announced that fantasy sandbox Black Desert will be getting a seventh playable class, which is "scheduled to be released or...

Albion Online players like killing rabbits, each other

Albion Online has released one of those number-cruncher infographic things. Tidbits include the total rabbits killed in the sandbox MMO (656,535), the number of PvP...

The Stream Team: Exploring ArcheAge’s Diamond Shores

ArcheAge finally opened more of the Aurorian continent with the release of yesterday's Secrets of Ayanad patch. That means there is more to explore,...
Descent Underground

Star Citizen’s Roberts endorses Crowfall, Descent: Underground

Star Citizen boss Chris Roberts has taken a moment to endorse a couple of fellow crowdfunded games. He has high praise for Crowfall head...

Camelot Unchained alpha test ‘a huge success’

"Alpha was, quite frankly and with as little hype as possible, a huge success." Mark Jacobs used the above to lead into a debriefing of...
Oh dang.

Leaderboard: Heavensward vs. Heart of Thorns

Two big MMO expansions are on tap this year, and you know what that means, right? Yep, Massively OP is going to pit them...

Director of Design Chris Whiteside leaves Guild Wars 2

Former Guild Wars 2 Director of Design Chris Whiteside has left ArenaNet to pursue other opportunities. While on a long roadtrip, Whiteside tweeted the news...

Play Trove to earn a RIFT budgie mount

Giant flightless birds make great commute buddies, not to mention that they take the simplest biofuel available. But if you want to get your...

Crowfall has a ‘few key pieces’ left to explain

ArtCraft has raised over $1.1 million for Crowfall in 14 days. And that's just on Kickstarter! The project has updated with a new video...