fight or kite

Fight or Kite is a PvP MMO column by Samon Kashani. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Fight or Kite: Crowfall’s new Infected content is the best thing added to the pre-alpha

This past week has been the best week I’ve had in Crowfall all year. First, ArtCraft dropped a weekend-long event that really turned heads,...

Fight or Kite: Ashes of Creation Apocalypse is a doorway to an action-packed MMO

If you had told me two weeks ago that Ashes of Creation is going to be one of my most anticipated upcoming MMO titles,...

Fight or Kite: Guild Wars 2’s best PvP mode isn’t what you think it is – it’s minigames

One could certainly argue that Guild Wars 2’s primary focus is that of a PvE, story driven game. Hell, I’d make that argument. Yet,...

Fight or Kite: Exploring Crowfall’s banking, newbie, and God’s Reach update

This past week Crowfall patched in update 5.100 (that’s right - we’ve gone from 5.9 to 5.100, as one does), which wiped existing characters...

Fight or Kite: Albion Online’s Percival update is for the solo players out there

This week we saw a nice patch released for the world of Albion Online with its Percival update. It’s largely a general quality-of-life update...

Fight or Kite: One specific update would make Crowfall worth playing every day

The past couple of weeks I’ve been having a fantastic time romping through Crowfall’s campaigns. When you have a good group of players by...

Fight or Kite: Fallout 76’s Nuclear Winter is a blast

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: A multiplayer online game is looking for the new hot thing to drum up interest in...

Fight or Kite: First impressions of Nexon’s new multiplayer shooter Rocket Arena

Nexon's new crossplatform multiplayer shooter Rocket Arena came out of nowhere last month and surprised everyone with a closed beta this past week. It's...

Fight or Kite: Features MMOs could borrow from successful esports titles

This week I wanted to try something a little different in our PvP-centric Fite or Kite column and take a look at a number...

Fight or Kite: The case for dueling in Guild Wars 2

Let me tell you all about one of the most obvious holes in the Guild Wars 2 PvP armor. No, it's not the infrequent balance...

Fight or Kite: First impressions of newly free-to-play Albion Online

As soon as I heard that Albion Online was going free-to-play, I knew where I was going to spend the majority of my PvP...

Fight or Kite: Falling in line with Crowfall

"Everyone group up! Keep the formation tight. Line up and do not let anyone through that door." We know that they have a siege weapon...

Fight or Kite: Clawing my way back into Guild Wars 2’s WvW

All aboard and welcome everyone to a brand-new series here on Massively Overpowered: Fight or Kite, our new column focusing on PvP across the...