game mechanics

Numbers get smaller.

World of Warcraft drops lots and lots of dungeon damage in a hotfix

If you're going to read through the latest set of pre-patch hotfixes for World of Warcraft, we hope you enjoy the phrase "damage has...

Final Fantasy XIV plans major revisions to role actions and housing status in 4.4

The official translation for the most recent Final Fantasy XIV live letter is here, and it contains some pretty big changes for the game...
Well, son, what we got here is a situation.

Warframe shows off new environments and the Revenant warframe on a stream

You can rewatch the entirety of the latest Warframe developer livestream if you want to, but the nice thing is that the developers understand...

Absolver shows off its upcoming free expansion, Downfall

It's been quiet on the Absolver ranch for a while after the development team spent the early part of the year working on refining...
Oh, great.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV gets to hunt some monsters

It hardly needs to be said at this point that the new way of doing things with Final Fantasy XIV's live letters has proven...
It never happened.

The Daily Grind: Are you less inclined to enjoy an MMO in beta testing?

Writing is not a matter of having no bias, it's a matter of being aware of your bias and attempting to correct for it....
It's a playground.

Fortnite’s Playground mode struggled due to matchmaking server stress

Some limited-time modes in Fortnite are successful and some aren't, but the Playground mode was notable in that its issues had nothing to do...
What is the world.

Otherland plans a new character type to experience an upcoming short story by Tad Williams

Tad Williams, the author of the original Otherland quadrology, has written a new novella in that world. What does this mean for players of...

EVE Online is planning to weaken Force Auxiliaries

It's just too easy for Force Auxiliaries to heal other ships right now in EVE Online. That's the reason behind the balance proposal put...

World of Warcraft answers pressing prepatch questions in its latest video Q&A

The prepatch for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is out now, but the expansion is still a bit further off, so players have...

Overwatch is performing a little surgery on its healers and planning another free PC weekend

Healers are important in Overwatch, but they also have the potential to get out of hand. Sure, it's good to be able to patch...
Ocean of Brigands

Sea of Thieves’ devs have realized that community comes from not constantly fighting each other

Hey, kids, did you know that players feel more like a community when they're working together rather than constantly fighting one another? Of course...
Burn it, sure.

The Daily Grind: Where are the spots you most identify with in MMOs?

It's going to be most relevant next week, but honestly I'm not even a little bit sad at the thought of Darnassus burning in...
Yeah, systems are the problem.

Darkfall: Rise of Agon looks forward to big new systems like dynamic housing

The last patch for Darkfall: Rise of Agon had a whole gaggle of stuff in it. There's even a video walking through all of...
From the here.

Crowfall’s latest patch notes from the future video reads off 5.7 notes

The latest edition of Crowfall's regular Patch Notes from the Future is not looking very far into the future. It's actually close to looking...
Some teens, titanic in nature.

DC Universe Online adds the Teen Titans storyline Judas Contract today

It's time for a new story in DC Universe Online, and this time the game is taking a spin with one of the universe's...
Good! That's good.

Worlds Adrift updates players on progress in the midst of a heat wave

So it turns out the developers behind Worlds Adrift have all melted in the midst of a London heat wave. It's very sad, as...

Fractured is hosting a livestream on crafting and building today

Want to know more about crafting and building in Fractured as the game has passed its 75% funding mark? Good news, you'll have a...

Final Fantasy XIV plans its next major patch for September with a crossover in August

Ready to hunt monsters in Final Fantasy XIV? Not just in general, but as part of a crossover with Monster Hunter World? You'll get...

Skyforge revamps PvP with the Gods at War update

The newest update for Skyforge is now live and changes a lot about the way PvP works. Before, PvP had gear scaling to the...