gameplay modes

This Reservoir Dogs reboot looks bad.

Fortnite adds in new limited-time Getaway gameplay mode for the High Stakes event

Ready to turn your sessions of Fortnite into a heist film? The latest patch kicks off the High Stakes event, and that includes the...
Wow, this open-pvp gankbox has a dearth of players? This is my shocked face.

The Exiled is back on track after disappointing launch

So how are things going for The Exiled? The developers had been quiet for a while, and that's rarely the sign of good news....
I guess this is sought.

Overwatch players use the 3v3 format to create hide-and-seek; holidays arrive Dec 13

If you've ever played Monopoly with a child who doesn't care about anything beyond getting to play as the hat rather than getting everyone's...
Sure, if you tell me to play it I will.

Supergiant’s next game, Pyre, will feature a multiplayer mode

If you played Transistor or Bastion, there's probably no universe in which you will not also be buying and playing Pyre. Supergiant Games kind...
How hard could it be, indeed.

H1Z1 introduces hardcore Battle Royale, now with bears

Odds are good that you've had experience with H1Z1's Battle Royale gameplay by now if you've played the game for any length of time....