

Perfect Ten: What FFA PvP has to offer the MMO space

Before any of you look at the title, the author, and then at your screen again in disbelief, let me disabuse you of any...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s asset safety bait and switch was a colossal mistake

Imagine if you logged back into your favourite MMO after a few months away to find that your character's gear was gone or valuable...

Fight or Kite: Griefing! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

Here we are at the very first Fight or Kite of the New Year and of the decade. With it, let’s discuss something that...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s comms blackout will lead to absolute anarchy

All hell is about to break loose in EVE Online for the territorial alliances waging wars in the depths of space following some the...

Red Dead Online has a creative approach to handling griefing

So right now, I'm feeling the pain of being a PC-specific gamer: Not only can I not play Red Dead Redemption 2, but I...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s free-to-play upgrades are pretty damn generous

You've probably heard by now that EVE Online is giving its free-to-play alpha clone characters a massive boost in power in December about a...

EVE Vegas 2017: EVE Online’s free-to-play option is getting a huge boost

When EVE Online added its free-to-play alpha clone account option, it felt more like an infinite trial than a truly viable free tier. Alpha...

EVE Evolved: How much toxic, antisocial behaviour should MMOs tolerate?

The EVE Online community is aflame this week after alliance leader gigX was permanently banned for making threats of real-life violence against another player...

EVE Evolved: What’s the deal with EVE’s PLEX changes?

This week CCP Games announced that some big changes are on the way for PLEX in EVE Online. The PLEX or "30-day Pilot's License...

EVE Online players lead $14,000 massacre in a busy trade hub

It's said that you're never truly safe in EVE Online unless you're docked or logged off, and sometimes not even then. If someone wants you...

EVE Evolved: Free-to-play PvP cruiser fitting guide

EVE Online's new free-to-play account option will be going live as part of an upcoming expansion this November, allowing new players to delve into the game and its...

EVE Evolved: Fitting Tech 3 Tactical Destroyers as PvP brawlers

The past few months have seen a flood of frequent updates hitting EVE Online, and among them we got a whole new class of...

EVE Evolved: Is EVE becoming less emergent?

I've often heard it said that EVE Online is more fun to read about than to actually play, and for the vast majority of...