
The Daily Grind: Is gliding a good compromise to flying in MMOs?

By now, we all know the pros and cons of inserting flying into MMORPGs. Such systems can offer unparalleled freedom and be a great...

Glide and grapple your way through Worlds Adrift’s island exploration video

How does it feel to explore an island? That's the question Bossa Studios hopes to answer with its most recent Worlds Adrift video. The...

Flameseeker Chronicles: A visual guide to gliding in Guild Wars 2

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that there aren't many mechanics that are more fantastical than zooming around within...
big air

Guild Wars 2 shares the simple details of gliding in central Tyria

Here's what will be necessary to start gliding in central Tyria once it's unlocked in Guild Wars 2: unlocking the start of the Mastery...

Guild Wars 2 winter 2016 update, gliding confirmed for Central Tyria

As part of Game Director Colin Johanson's Q1 state of play update, ArenaNet has confirmed that gliding is coming to the Guild Wars 2 zones...

MMO Mechanics: Three game-changing movement mechanics

In order to create the most truly challenging MMOs that connect players with the specific virtual environments they're traversing, developers have always worked on...

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns launch diary: Initial impressions

I've now put a solid day of playtime into Heart of Thorns, so I decided that it was finally time for the first of my...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Heart of Thorns beta

My excitement for Guild Wars 2's first expansion has been no secret, so you can easily guess how much fun I had climbing the...