john smedley

The former head of SOE and Daybreak. Affectionately known to gamers as “Smed.”

Recapping the whole 38 Studios mess as Curt Schilling contemplates run for Congress

You folks remember 38 Studios, right? The studio at the heart of one of the most scandalous fiascos in the whole MMO genre? It's...
Stop boring everybody.

Rumor: Z1 Battle Royale, H1Z1’s PC version, seems to be in big trouble as devs confirm layoffs

Note: We'll be updating this piece at the end with the latest, and we've also put out a second piece here with NantG's statement. It...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that set themselves up as spiritual successors

As with the larger video game market, sequels aren't unknown in the MMO space. We've seen studios take a stab at following up successful...

The Daily Grind: So, do you think Google’s Stadia will revolutionize gaming?

Yesterday's Google presentation and announcement of Stadia - and all its attendant accoutrements - set the internet as well as our staff chattering about...

Perfect Ten: The worst MMORPG expansions of all time

A great MMO expansion brings so much to the table: fresh excitement for a game, new classes, innovative features, expanded vistas, additional races, and...

The Game Archaeologist: Project Copernicus

In the end, one of the biggest shames of the whole 38 Studios fiasco is that the MMORPG it was creating and the people...

Massively OP’s 2018 Blooper Awards: Most vindicating story

Massively OP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards begin today with our blooper award for Most vindicating story. And the winner is...

Perfect Ten: MMOs to watch in 2019

The MMO genre is in a strange and uncertain place right now -- but also one that is quietly thrilling. We've long passed the...

Daybreak has suffered another round of layoffs, between 60 and 70 people

It's Friday afternoon, which often portends bad news. Tonight, we're looking at more Daybreak layoffs. Massively OP understands that between 60 and 70 people may have been affected. Former SOE/Daybreak President John Smedley acknowledged the news on Twitter with a little bit of shade thrown in for good measure. The H1Z1 team working through NantWorks also tweeted its condolences.

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2018

It's become a tradition on Massively OP to include among our end-of-the-year roundups and editorials and retrospectives a run-down of our favorite - and least favorite - MMO dev quotes of the year, be they obscure, poignant, or just plain dumb. So once again, for this week's Massively Overthinking, I've asked our staff to offer up those quotes and then reflect on what we from the year and reflect on just what we've learned from them.
Yes, this assuages my nervousness, you bet.

Smed vows he’ll someday make a game akin to EverQuest Next

Earlier this week on the podcast, Justin and I were joking around about how one of our favorite fun things to write about is...

Another e-thug responsible for DDOSing SOE years back is brought to justice

Hey, remember a few years ago when there was a new Lizard Squad article like every month, thanks to the fact that the e-thug...
It's clear now.

Perfect Ten: Failed MMOs that could have succeeded with more love

Hindsight is 20/20. Unless you're blind in one eye from nostalgia, in which case hindsight is 0/20. In any case, you understand that it's...

The MOP Up: Star Trek Online’s starbase defense

With the Age of Discovery pack on its way this fall, players of Star Trek Online are probably curious what the studio has up its sleeve...

EverQuesting: The history of the EverQuest franchise

Back in 2013, I took a walk through the annals of the EverQuest franchise's history. What started as one title not only blossomed into...

NCsoft is working on an Aion-related ‘next-generation’ MMORPG

No matter what your feelings may be toward NCsoft, it is great to see that the developer and publisher continues to greenlight MMORPGs instead...

The Game Archaeologist: A history of EverQuest’s expansions

I don't know if EverQuest holds the crown title for the MMO with the most expansions, but I'm sure it's among the top three...

Under pressure, Sony claims it’s looking into solving its crossplay dilemma

Under great amounts of pressure to reverse its anti-crossplay stance with the PlayStation 4, Sony has finally capitulated somewhat by saying that it is...

Daybreak mourns the death of H1Z1’s lead animator

This week, Daybreak is grieving over the loss of one of its key developers, David "Sarge" Carter. Carter worked as an animator on a couple...

Smed weighs in on Sony’s historical PlayStation crossplay hangups

Sony's managed to piss off a whole lotta gamers over its unwillingness to play ball on Fortnite. As we covered last week, the PlayStation...