
Splatoon is Nintendo’s first serious entry into online gaming

Gaming giant Nintendo is no stranger to online play, but its online play usually comes with distinct limitations on the game that features it. The Animal Crossing series takes...

EverQuesting: Why I cheered when EQ’s progression server crashed

When EverQuest's newest progression server Ragefire came online then took an immediate nosedive, I sprang from my chair cheering. Hey now, don't aim those eye...

The Game Archaeologist: The Matrix Online

It's not every year that a movie comes along that captures the pop culture zeitgeist so powerfully and so quickly as The Matrix did....

TERA is adding a new PvE server on June 9

En Masse is adding a new server to TERA! The firm says that the Steam launch and the introduction of the new Gunner class...

Neverwinter’s Rise of Tiamat Xbox One trailer rawrs at you

As announced earlier this week, Neverwinter's Rise of Tiamat minispansion is gearing up for launch on the Xbox One sometime this month. The game's fifth...
It's a miracle anything ever works.

Elite: Dangerous launches the Powerplay update

The latest update for Elite: Dangerous does not allow players to personally claim big chunks of the galaxy, but it does allow players to...

The Soapbox: The fallacy of ‘F2P insight’ in the MMO market

I read with disgust a recent piece about free-to-play and its supposed coming of age. The business model has of course run amok...

Elder Scrolls Online’s new trailer lampoons ‘that guy’ in your group

You know that guy who's always screwing around, fishing and reading books during raid boss encounters? His name is Tony, and he's the unwitting...

Perfect Ten: Why you should care about the Infinite Crisis shutdown

It might seem a little odd that the one thing to break through my current state of hyper-excitement for the launch of Heavensward and...

Voxelbox Trove is officially launching on July 9

This is it, Trove fans. The finish line of beta and the starting line for the official live game. Trion Worlds announced that Trove...

RuneScape players fend off a planet eater

Bummer: A giant creature named Tuska is heading toward RuneScape's world with the full intent of gobbling it up. Wait, did we say bummer?...

PlanetSide 2’s boots will hit the ground on PlayStation 4 on June 23

The countdown has begun for PlanetSide 2's invasion onto the PlayStation 4. Daybreak announced today that it will be releasing its MMOFPS on the...

Massively Opinionated: How long will SWTOR remain relevant?

In this episode, Larry, Heather, Vulkk, and Redna debate Star Wars: The Old Republic's health and continuing relevance in the MMORPG genre.

Aion’s Upheaval begins on June 17th

At a time when players are leery of being nickle-and-dimed, Aion is releasing yet another completely free expansion. Also known as patch 4.8, Upheaval...

ARK: Survival Evolved launches today on Steam early access

Before you go see Jurassic World this summer, why not experience it yourself? The dino-hunting simulator, ARK: Survival Evolved, launches today on Steam early...

SuperData’s Van Dreunen on tomorrow’s Heroes of the Storm launch

Tomorrow's the big day for Blizzard's entry into the crowded and uber-competitive MOBA market. Heroes of the Storm officially launches on June 2nd, and...

Camelot Unchained is adding lots of cosmetics without a cash shop

Camelot Unchained's next stretch goal is going to take the Realm Honors concept to the next level, according to the game's website. In a...

MapleStory 2 is launching in Korea on July 7

Predictions of a July 2nd launch date for MapleStory 2 were off -- but only by a few days. Nexon announced that the colorful...
Going back.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV and the unknown expansion skills

If you've been paying attention the last few weeks, you've doubtlessly heard a fair bit about the new skills that the various classes and...

Heroes of the Storm gears up for launch with double XP, launch streaming, and Blizzard brawling

Are you ready for Heroes of the Storm to launch? It is launching, tomorrow, and there's a lot of stuff going along with that...