Elite Dangerous recounts Lavecon 2022, current community goals, and player-run events
The past couple of newsletters coming out of Elite: Dangerous have been generally tame but no less informative, as the devs have cast spotlights...
Elite: Dangerous applies bug fixes to Fleet Carriers as a community convention goes virtual
Elite: Dangerous has once more applied a patch to help mitigate several Fleet Carrier bugs this past Tuesday. Players should now see a variety...
Elite Dangerous unveils a new tutorial and a new currency for September, teases fleet carriers for December
This past Saturday was something of an announcement carpet bombing from the folks at Elite: Dangerous. At Lavecon, the team introduced the first reveals...
Elite: Dangerous gives a glimpse at its future at Lavecon
Even as E3 rages on, the recent Lavecon has closed its doors for another year. The player-led gaming and geek convention continues to feature Elite:...
Elite Dangerous lessens RNG frustration and promotes interstellar tourism
In the latest Elite Dangerous newsletter, the developers said that even more adjustments are coming to smooth out the rocky Engineers update and lessen...
Elite: Dangerous looks ahead to 1.4 ‘CQC Championship’ patch
Elite: Dangerous has held its first dedicated convention and is already racing ahead to its next major update. "We’re looking at weeks, rather than...