legacy steel and sorcery

Fight or Kite: PvPvE extraction game Legacy Steel and Sorcery is already showing promise in early access

Love 'em, hate 'em, or pine for the good old days, we are most certainly in the age of extraction RPGs. Just as spring...

Betawatch: Stars Reach delays its Kickstarter for more testers

There need to be more testers in Stars Reach. Not because the current crop of testers is somehow insufficient for feedback, but because the...

Legacy Steel & Sorcery, an extraction-focused ‘mini MMORPG’ from former WoW devs, just hit early access

As promised, extraction RPG Legacy Steel & Sorcery is officially hitting early access today, and it's one we've paid a bit more attention to...

Legacy Steel & Sorcery explains its overall mechanics and debuts a new gameplay trailer

Earlier this month, we caught wind of Legacy: Steel & Sorcery, an in-development PvPvE extraction RPG from Notorious Studios, which is made up of...

Legacy: Steel and Sorcery is an multiplayer co-op ARPG made by ex-WoW devs

If you, like us, make a hobby of following the various projects that former World of Warcraft devs are creating, then you might be...