LOTRO Legendarium is a Lord of the Rings Online column by Justin Olivetti. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]
lotro legendarium
LOTRO Legendarium: Why Lord of the Rings Online’s world feels different from all other MMOs
I truly wish I remember the name of the gaming magazine that I picked up in early 2007, but such details escape me. What...
LOTRO Legendarium: Six reasons why LOTRO’s Beorning is amazing
When Update 33 arrives later this month, Lord of the Rings Online players will have access to a slew of classes and races that...
LOTRO Legendarium: Should LOTRO’s raids be made accessible to all?
Despite playing Lord of the Rings Online since beta and covering it professionally since 2010, there is a big part of the game that...
LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online takes much-needed steps forward
I don't know about you, Lord of the Rings Online fans, but I am really, really digging these quarterly producer's letters. It feels like...
LOTRO Legendarium: Why people bounce off Lord of the Rings Online
Any time that you are deeply invested in an MMORPG, it's perhaps one of the most disheartening and frustrating experiences to watch your friends...
LOTRO Legendarium: Exploring LOTRO Update 32’s Angle of Mitheithel
Even after a decade-and-a-half of constant expansion, Lord of the Rings Online's Middle-earth has more left to show us than is currently on the...
LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online must extract itself from its currency quagmire
Lord of the Rings Online began 2022 on a most curious note: an abrupt and not-very-well-explained announcement of significant changes to the game's biggest...
LOTRO Legendarium: It’s time to revisit skirmishes in Lord of the Rings Online
Ever since 2009, I've loved skirmishes in Lord of the Rings Online. These were a new type of instance that rose to prominence in...
LOTRO Legendarium: Does LOTRO need a new dungeon finder tool?
Welcome to a new year of the LOTRO Legendarium! With Fate of Gundabad at our backs and an unknown future ahead, it's quite the...
LOTRO Legendarium: A look back at Lord of the Rings Online in 2021
It's that time of year again! As we get ready to make the psychological transition to a new year, we pause to look back...
LOTRO Legendarium: OK, let’s talk about Lord of the Rings Online on console
I'll admit it: When EG7 acquired Daybreak back in 2020, I was very dismissive of the report that mentioned a console edition for Lord...
LOTRO Legendarium: The double-edged sword of being past the books
This past week, Lord of the Rings Online crossed another major milestone in its development as it released its eighth expansion, Fate of Gundabad....
LOTRO Legendarium: Returning to LOTRO after seven years away
It’s a strange feeling, returning to a place that holds a special meaning to you after many years have passed. When my high school...
LOTRO Legendarium: Six ways to renew your love of Lord of the Rings Online
For a little bit of context, I have been playing Lord of the Rings Online since its beta and pre-launch period back in 2007....
LOTRO Legendarium: Maximizing your character’s first 20 levels in Lord of the Rings Online
Probably more times than I can count, I have started up new characters in Lord of the Rings Online and gone through those oh-so-familiar...
LOTRO Legendarium: Embracing the journey that is Lord of the Rings Online
I know that there are a whole lot of things I should be talking about Lord of the Rings Online in this week's space,...
LOTRO Legendarium: Fate of Gundabad is shaping up to be the full expansion that LOTRO needs
Right before all of the news this week got sucked into the gravity well of the launch of a certain MMO, Lord of the...
LOTRO Legendarium: Why do we know so little about Fate of Gundabad?
Over the past few months, my general sense of rising hope for Lord of the Rings Online has been tempered by a nagging disquiet...
LOTRO Legendarium: Analyzing the first look at Brawler and Legendary Items 3.0
Friends, I am genuinely so excited to be a Lord of the Rings Online player these days. It feels like this year in the...
LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking LOTRO’s Rhovanion zones from worst to best
A while back, I amused myself by ranking all of the Eriador zones in Lord of the Rings Online. It was a fun exercise...