

The Daily Grind: What was the best new zone added to an MMO in 2018?

Thanks to MOP reader Agemyth's suggestion back in 2016, we've been debating the best new zone added to an MMO every year. Obviously, your answer...
If this went away, I would be pissed.

The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO trend of 2018?

Last week, as part of MOP's 2018 awards rollout, we asked you about the best trend of the year for our genre. We were...

The Daily Grind: What was the most painful MMO sunset of 2018?

I have a feeling I know what the answer to this question is going to be for a lot of folks - WildStar is...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best graphical appeal as of 2018?

We don't give out a formal end-of-the-year award for MMO graphics at Massively OP. It'd be almost impossible to come to a consensus. As...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offered the best console experience in 2018?

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm primarily a PC gamer. When I was a kid, my family couldn't afford the endless parade of...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offered the best PvE experience in 2018?

Yesterday, we asked you to examine the best PvP experience of 2018, having noted we won't be giving an award for it this year....
Bela Lugosi's dead.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offered the best PvP experience in 2018?

Later today, we begin our giant rollout of end-of-the-year awards, a series I both love and hate - love because it's fun, hate because...

The Daily Grind: How much does your reputation matter in a modern MMO?

One of the memes I see repeated a lot when folks are waxing nostalgic about the old days of MMOs is this idea that...

The Daily Grind: What’s the meanest thing you can say about an MMO you adore?

A couple of months ago, I did a Daily Grind asking folks to find something nice to say about MMOs they hate. It was...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever worry that an MMO you’re watching will be shuttered before it’s done?

It's possible I've been doing this too long and have just seen a whole lot of casually delivered bad news on Twitter from gaming...

The Daily Grind: Must MMOs keep moving or die?

Bhagpuss over on the MMO blog Inventory Full put up a piece earlier this month about EverQuest II - specifically about MMO players' obsession...

The Daily Grind: When was the last time you saw something truly heartwarming in an MMORPG?

A few weeks ago, my husband found himself in a bit of a reorienting Overwatch match. There was a young kid on chat sounding super depressed,...

The Daily Grind: What would you do if you had godmode in your favorite MMO?

Over the holiday, one of the many amusing bug stories following Fallout 76 around was the tale of the girl who got godmode. Apparently,...

The Daily Grind: Do you think seasonal play in online games is worth the absurdity?

If you didn't catch the Diablo-themed Penny Arcade comic from a week or two ago, you should. Instead of taking the low road and...

The Daily Grind: Is the movement against LFG just privileging a different type of MMO player?

In the comments of a BlizzCon article a few weeks ago, there was an interesting discussion about content. One commenter argued that it didn't...
weedle weedle weeeeeeee

The Daily Grind: Do you consistently pick the same classes and playstyles in MMOs?

Justin and I kicked off last week's podcast discussing our favorite character class playstyles, and I... kind of got carried away gushing about my...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a Wheel of Time MMO?

During this week's podcast, we happened to mention the sprawling Wheel of Time series, a TV adaptation of which is currently being worked on...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most egregious example of a reskinned MMO?

Blogger and MOP reader Serrenity penned a great piece last week discussing the practice of skinning as it pertains to casino games and mobile...

The Daily Grind: What one piece of advice would you give to new MMO players in 2018?

Over the weekend, CCP tweeted out a fun poll asking EVE Online players what advice they'd like to deliver to newbies: Insure your ship,...

The Daily Grind: Are you hostile to mobile MMORPGs?

Happy Friday. Let's talk mobile. MMORPG players in particular run along a certain demographic that does not align well with mobile. Oh, sure, we have...