non-combat pets

The Soapbox: Pet battles are one of the best things WoW ever did (which is why I’ve never played one)

Pokemon first burst onto the scene when I was in elementary school. I've always been lukewarm at best toward anime and "cute" things, so...
Yes, this is a thing.

Blade & Soul introduces pets with its next major update

Do you want a cute pet to follow you around in Blade & Soul? Good news, then, because you can have exactly that with...
Just throw on any old gear.

The Daily Grind: What MMO has your favorite non-combat pets?

Non-combat pets are one of those things that lots of MMOs have hanging around in their own ways. They're little vanity rewards that allow...
I fel for it.

World of Warcraft previews future pets and mounts

It's safe to say that over the past decade of World of Warcraft you have found something to ride in the game's vast array...
Not included is a guide the playing it on your 3DS, however.

How to unlock your World of Warcraft Menagerie

There's a feature sitting right in your Garrison in World of Warcraft that you might have barely used, but it's something that pet battle...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

WildStar outlines pets and wardrobe mechanics

Have you longed for a Rowsdower companion of your very own as you venture about in WildStar? Did you hate the game's costume system...