north america

Nexon America lays off an unspecified ‘small number’ of employees as part of a ‘hyperlocalization’ strategy

It's hard to know exactly how many a "small number of employees" is when layoffs are announced by a massive company, but in any...
Well well well, how the turntable.

Riot Games and League of Legends esports pros lock horns over fate of North American league

Following Riot Games' announcement of its plan to reduce the North American Challenger's League for League of Legends esports down to only seven teams...

Pearl Abyss reclaims South American Black Desert publishing rights, touts 45M registered players

It's been a bit of a pattern for Pearl Abyss: It launches Black Desert in a new region under a local publisher, and then,...
I guess.

Aion Classic is really happening in the west, and it’s launching in ‘the Americas’ on June 23

We've been covering NCsoft's release of Aion Classic overseas and the teases and hints that it's been leveling at the western playerbase for a...
Yeah, it's never happening.

The Daily Grind: Do long localization delays make you less likely to play an MMO?

Having written about it recently, I found myself thinking that it might not even matter if Phantasy Star Online 2 even comes out in...