online shooter

World of Warships gets guilds and new XP system, World of Tanks gets movie vehicles

World of Warships is rolling out its big 0.6.0 update today, complete with a ton of new commander skills, a new guild system called...

Warface is bringing on a new publisher in February

Starting in February, online shooter Warface will have a new company at its back. Crytek announced yesterday that will take over publishing duties...
Well, this blows.

Transformers Online is Overwatch with robots

In a perfect world, we'd already be playing a true Transformers MMORPG and enjoying every minute of customizable robots, on-the-go transformations, and roleplaying as...

Overwatch explains the goal of the PTR to players, and it’s not about balance

D. Va has taken a bit of a drubbing in the most recent Overwatch patch on the test server. Her guns do less damage...

Touring Marvel Heroes with Gazillion before January 19’s big update

While it's true that you can see a good share of Marvel Heroes' mega January 2017 update for yourself on the test server, who...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you most regret Kickstarting?

With Pathfinder Online, The Repopulation, and TUG all back in the news this week either hunting for money, being acquired, or undergoing a total...

The MOP Up: Black Desert loyalty rewards (January 15, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Tabula Rasa’s 21-gun salute

Ralph the Wonder Llama kicks off today's community screenshot gallery with a salute to the late, great Tabula Rasa. "Yes, Tabula Rasa ended up being...

World of Warships will add 50 new ships this year

"A new journey lies ahead of us." Wargaming is not dwelling on its accomplishments from last year in World of Warships; it has a laser-sharp...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively Overthinking: Tab-target vs. action combat in MMORPGs

Massively OP patron Duane is kicking the new year off right: with a brawl over combat types in MMOs. "Tab-target, action, or hybrid combat, for...

Hi-Rez Expo 2017: SMITE’s specialty adventures, Paladins’ first season, and SMITE Tactics’ PvE

One of best parts of attending conventions is talking with the devs. And during my trip to Hi-Rez Expo 2017, I spoke with a number...
Roberts and Garriott

Richard Garriott publishes his memoirs

When you've lived a life as wacky and full as Ultima creator Richard Garriott, it only stands to reason that you'd probably want to share your...

Hi-Rez Expo 2017: The future of Global Agenda, Global Agenda 2, and SMITE

Straight from the devs at Hi-Rez Expo 2017: Global Agenda is not dead, Global Agenda 2 is still a possibility, and the SMITE franchise is the studio's immediate future.
Heroes do actually die, but...

Overwatch’s test realm sports voice clips that hint at a relationship between Mercy and Genji

A new game mode has been added to Overwatch, and it's called Sinking Ships. The first round was when Blizzard established Tracer's relationship status...

Overwatch targets Mei cheaters

Overwatch players who have been tearing their hair out at a widespread exploit in matches will be happy to know that Blizzard has taken...

Firefall: The dead game that won’t die

2016 was not Firefall's year. I'm not sure which year was its year, honestly, what with the e-sports bus fiasco and suspension of PvP and former CEO Mark...
We are great at our jobs.

Diablo III’s Darkening of Tristram ‘retrovision’ anniversary event is live

Classic ARPG Diablo has made its presence known across Blizzard's many franchises this week as it celebrates its 20th birthday, from a new cow level...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: The best MMORPG updates and expansions of 2016 (that aren’t Legion)

Sometimes you have to exclude something from a list. I could, for example, praise World of Warcraft: Legion for being a really good expansion...

Warframe players help raise $50,000 for youth charity

How about a feel-good story? Back in December, Digital Extremes kicked off a Warframe charity event called the Tennobaum Gifting Extravaganza (bonus points for...

Overwatch activates its Oasis map

Welcome to Oasis: tropical paradise, Arabian aesthetic, and home to high-tech research skyscrapers. Oasis is also the newest map in Overwatch, which means that...