open test
Monsters & Memories announces plans for an eight-hour stress test December 21
Are you busy this Saturday, December 21st, by any chance? Would you like to help Monsters & Memories try to set its servers on...
PvP MMORPG Abyss begins signups to an upcoming open playtest on Steam
Before it begins its early access release on April 18th, the PvP sandbox MMORPG Abyss has one more playtest to run - and this...
Reign of Guilds holds its third open Steam playtest until May 7 to work on castle sieges
Since 2019, we've been keeping an eye on Reign of Guilds, a sandbox MMORPG that (unsurprisingly) has guilds facing off against one another to...
Early access life sim RPG My Time at Sandrock tests its multiplayer mode January 12
If you love those cozy life sim RPGs like Animal Crossing and Rune Factory, you're perhaps familiar with My Time at Sandrock, an in-development...
Wild Terra is open to testing for everyone until September 14th
You can download and play Wild Terra right now without having to pay a dime. The game has opened testing briefly for everyone, allowing...