
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

Tamriel Infinium: All the lore you need to know for Elder Scrolls Online’s Wolfhunter DLC

Lycanthropy has been a part of the Elder Scrolls lore since Daggerfall, even if it did kind of skip Oblivion. Elder Scrolls Online introduces...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you bought and barely played?

There was a time when any new MMO was only open to you if you bought it, and that made for an interesting situation....

Perfect Tenception: Our ten perfectest Perfect Tens (since last year) – 2018 edition

Last year on the Fourth of July, I posted up a Perfect Ten that was a list of my favorite Perfect Tens Justin and...

The Daily Grind: What MMO is theoretically perfect but fails to click with you?

Let's talk about Final Fantasy XIV for a minute. This game really frustrates me because, on paper, it has so much of what I'm...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG skill system that avoids the ‘illusion of choice’?

Over the weekend, my husband and I were chatting about playing on a Star Wars Galaxies emulator again, probably the Legends one that people...
Now fight for something!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s beast tribes ranked, the middle rankings

We're continuing our tour through the beast tribes of Final Fantasy XIV, and as I move through these rankings I can't help but notice...
Let's not ruin this moment with facts.

Star Citizen’s 3.2 quarterly alpha update is fully live, with new ships, mining, and cash-shop features

Star Citizen's alpha 3.2 has finally and formally released to all comers, CIG announced this weekend. "In the new patch, Star Citizen players can use...
Is this the ugly one or the pretty one, it's hard to tell.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best user interface?

In the comments of my last Daily Grind about Star Wars Galaxies, there erupted a lively debate about the game's user interface in the...

Global Chat: A starting point for WoW Classic

The recent announcement of WoW Classic's starting point -- Patch 1.12 -- started to make the prospect of this legacy server a lot more...
I fel for it.

The Daily Grind: Are MMO collector’s editions worth it?

The allure of the collector's edition has always been a strange one. I remember when it started, of course, when you could get the...

The Game Archaeologist: Raph Koster on MUDs and Privateer Online

The release of Raph Koster's monster book of game essays, Postmortems, was of high interest to Bree and me for different reasons. For her,...
Never mind, I'm not real!

The Daily Grind: Which in-development MMOs are you hoping to hear more about?

One of the downsides of only following the gaming news cycle is that if there isn't news, you're not really paying attention to a...

Choose My Adventure: Capping things off in Final Fantasy XI

All right. When last I left off my Final Fantasy XI time, it was... wait, June 7th?! What the heck happened? If not for...

Chaos Theory: A year in the life of Secret World Legends

We've talked all about Secret World Legends' first anniversary party, but now it's time to talk about the game's first year. Fans can easily recall...

The Daily Grind: Would you play Star Wars Galaxies if it relaunched today?

Star Wars Galaxies is 15 years old now, and it was just about seven years ago that SOE announced it was slated for execution....
This seems like more of a half-move.

Vague Patch Notes: On balance and differentiation in MMOs

Do you like fighting games? I don't. Let's talk about fighting games. But bear with me because you'll get where this is going. While I...

The Soapbox: The western port of Bless Online feels like a curse

To say that the development of Neowiz’s high-fantasy MMO Bless has been somewhat beleaguered would be an understatement. Since the Korean import’s Western release...
Also, let's just put this out there, how about more robots?

The Daily Grind: Should every MMO with factions have mechanics to switch factions?

Lots of things bug the living heck out of me about World of Warcraft, but one of the bullet points on that list is...

Hyperspace Beacon: Memorable moments in Star Wars Galaxies, the original Star Wars MMORPG

Yesterday, the game that solidified my place in the MMO space would have turned 15 years old, and MJ, Bree, and I took a...

Perfect Ten: The best MMO debuts by year, 1997-2006

By now, many of you probably know that I'm the curator of the MMO Timeline on my personal blog. On this page, I've attempted...