
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

I feel prettier.

The Daily Grind: Do you find MMO non-human racial choices lacking?

Every time I start a new MMO, I make a vow to myself not to pick a standard human as my racial choice. Nine...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 95: Rising from the ashes

Justin and Bree discuss end-of-the-year coverage, ArcheAge, Ashes of Creation, Elder Scrolls Online, CCP, Cold Iron, The Secret World, and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on MMOs we wish we liked and the New World's timeline.
We're all stars now in the outlaws.

Choose My Adventure: On the wrong side of the law in The Elder Scrolls Online

The Thieves' Guild might have a somewhat generic name for what it's doing, but I find it makes far more sense in any world...

Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: Biggest MMORPG Story of 2016

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Biggest MMORPG Story of 2016, which was awarded to the SOE/Daybreak formation drama last year. This isn't an...

The Daily Grind: Are you worried for EVE Online’s safety if CCP is bought out?

Following the Bloomberg-floated rumor last Friday that CCP Games might be up for sale, we've had nothing but silence from CCP on the topic, so bloggers...

Gaijin begins crowdfunding multiplayer war shooter Enlisted

War Thunder studio Gaijin announced today that it's publishing Darkflow Software's "fan-driven" MMO squad-based multiplayer PC shooter called Enlisted. "Gaijin Entertainment Promises to Reinvest Game...
shark robots

Warframe pushes The War Within to consoles alongside a gaming giveaway

It has been a month and a day since The War Within, one of Warframe's most-hyped content releases to date, arrived on the PC....
It's a house, you see.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s 2016 in review

If you care about awards - and let's be real, we all do, even if they don't inform our emotional states - you'll notice...

Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: Most Underrated MMO

Welcome to Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards series. Every year, we poll our writers about the best and worst MMOs, stories, studios, and trends and...
Big time.

The Daily Grind: Should gamers be able to make money off MMORPGs?

Last week, newly unveiled MMORPG Ashes of Creation explained that one of its seemingly unique features: the chance to make money from the game...

EVE Evolved: The Siege of M-0EE8, the new largest battle in gaming history

In the political sandbox of EVE Online, colossal player-run military coalitions frequently war over territorial conflicts, in revenge for past transgressions or just for...
This will not be fine.

The Daily Grind: What ridiculously specific award would you give your favorite MMOs?

Folks, I don't mean to alarm you, but our 2016 award spectacular starts tomorrow. Really! I know all of the results already and everything....

How 2016 took Lord of the Rings Online to the gates of Mordor

As Lord of the Rings Online nears its impressive 10th birthday in April of next year, we see a game that's in many ways...

The Daily Grind: What MMO gaming advice would you give to your younger self?

Hindsight truly makes us experts of everything past. Why couldn't we know the future back then? What fools we were not to develop our...

Chaos Theory: Our guide to The Secret World’s Unseen achievement

For the last couple of months, I have been focused on trying to acquire The Unseen achievement in The Secret World. Why? It isn't...

Ask Mo: Scoring last year’s Massively OP MMORPG predictions

As we do every year, today we're going to squint back a year, into the depths of a Massively Overthinking from the tail end...
It's big, yeah yeah yeah, it's not small, etc.

The Daily Grind: Which game made the biggest contribution to killing MMORPGs in 2016?

MOP commenter deekay_zero proposed this week's Daily Grind in a roundabout way, and fair warning: It's a bit of a downer. He semi-jokingly suggested that...
Every day, sadly.

Massively Overthinking: The best MMORPG developer quotes of 2016

One of the fun things we implemented on the site this year is a database of quotes from developers (among other entries) that are...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: The healthiest live MMORPGs at the end of 2016

About a year and a half ago, my colleague, co-worker, and friend to man and beast alike Justin compiled a list of the healthiest...
I feel prettier.

The Daily Grind: What cosmetic options for your characters does your favorite MMORPG lack?

You know what games need? Piercings. More piercings in general. Why can I not have any piercings beyond my ears in Final Fantasy XIV?...