perfect world entertainment

A major Chinese publisher with a large branch in the US, known here primarily for its stewardship of Cryptic Games’ MMORPGs, including Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online.

Let's play a war game.

Star Trek Online prepares more War Games for the Season 13 console launch

Console players for Star Trek Online will have a few more options when it comes to war games once Season 13 launches. The latest...
I'm still pleased with this shot, even though my glamour has changed.

Choose My Adventure: Exploring the purpose and plan of this community column

You are no doubt staring at the title image above and thinking to yourself that it really does not look like a Neverwinter screenshot....
You have to want it.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 119: Finalest Fantasy

Justin and Eliot discuss FFXIV, FFXI, Black Desert, Neverwinter, World of Warcraft, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, EverQuest, Allods, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on MMO role homogenization, PvP pay-to-win, and the Marvel Heroes uproar.

PWE posts summer event schedule for Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, Champions Online

"Sun's out, guns out," a PWE press blast quipped today -- all because the MMO studio is kicking off a ton of summer events...

Choose My Adventure: Finding a hat in Neverwinter

When we last left off in Neverwinter, I was finding out whether or not people wanted me to purchase the game's subscription-but-not-really. You voted...
Mechanics include not having fangs to break.

Neverwinter’s titular city comes under siege

Sharpen those swords and practice those spells, because tomorrow you'll stop playing pretend and fight for real. Neverwinter is due for another catastrophic siege,...

The MOP Up: Neverwinter’s green beetle fiasco (May 21, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Neverwinter’s Shroud of Souls takes to consoles on June 20

The undead are rising, an alternate version of the city of Neverwinter opens its doors, and the challenges for MMO players never let up....
Time enough at last, only not.

Choose My Adventure: Getting started in Neverwinter

There are games that simply do not hold up past the demo, and frankly I've played a lot of those in Boston. Usually those are...
For chickens.

Battle Bards Episode 98: Perfect World International

Perfect World — it’s not just a massive games publisher, it’s also an MMORPG! The team at Battle Bards timidly tiptoe into this unknown...

Star Trek Online brings Season 13 to consoles next month, teases T6 light cruisers

Cryptic's console crowd must know by know that it takes a month, give or take, for a PC update to make its way over to...

Neverwinter to be part of D&D’s June story reveal event

Wizards of the Coast is putting out the call for streamers, movers, and shakers to assemble in Seattle, WA on June 2nd and 3rd...
This land, which we shall call... this land.

Choose My Adventure: Getting started in Neverwinter

Oh boy, Neverwinter! I am legitimately excited about this cycle's Choose My Adventure pick, in no small part because the only reason I have...
This is really World of Warcraft's fault, but I have to be comprehensive here.

Star Trek Online talks about Season 13 combat balance, triggers console event

If you didn't catch it, Star Trek Online's recent Season 13 update contained more than just another fancy featured episode. The systems team used...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 116: Bree’s virtual garage sale

Justin and Bree discuss Ashes of Creation, Blizzard, Darkfall Rise of Agon, Guild Wars 2, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, Neverwinter, SWTOR, and Ultima Online, with a mailbag question on sandbox MMOs.
It's like there's a party on your hard drive and you need that party to accomplish anything.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs would you include among the greatest RPGs of all time?

Massively OP reader Francois recently pointed us to IGN's Top 100 RPGs of All Time, which we thought was worth a nod since unlike...
If you don't like any of this, well... keep doing whatever, I guess.

Razer partners up with Neverwinter for cross-promotional rewards

Do you like Razer products? Do you like playing Neverwinter? Do you eat beans with George Wendt? If you answered yes to the first...

Transgender gamers face crass rejection by CS:GO tournament organizers [Updated]

This article has been updated as apparently it was all part of an elaborate, horrific, and completely unfunny fraud/hoax perpetrated on the e-sports and...

One Shots: Lonely hearts

Are gamers really lonely? Do we flock to MMORPGs as a response to that? I'm pondering these thoughts today following the response of a...
It's been real, and it's been fun, but... eh, you know the joke now.

Choose My Adventure: Wrapping up Black Desert and selecting our next destination

Back when I mentioned that I was learning to like Black Desert a while back, I got this tweet from the game's official account....