pete hines

Bethsoft’s Pete Hines is retiring after 24 years to ‘enjoy life’

The gaming industry is losing another big name this week - and this one's actually a loss. In the same seven-day span that saw...

Fallout 76 studio is grumpy more people didn’t PvP

Do you ever get the impression that Bethesda doesn't quite understand its own game audience? That's probably not going to be helped by a...

Fallout 76’s beta may start in two weeks

With Fallout 76's launch coming in a month-and-a-half, Bethesda doesn't have much time left to get its promised beta for pre-orders going. October was...

Bethsoft says Elder Scrolls VI ‘is not in dev,’ gamers spurn Creation Club modding plans

Get comfy in The Elder Scrolls Online, TES franchise fans: While there will eventually be another single-player game in the Elder Scrolls series, it's...

The Elder Scrolls Legends TCG delayed into 2016

The Elder Scrolls franchise is no stranger to delays, which is why it's almost tradition for it's spin-off card game to reveal that it...