player housing

Marvel Heroics: My Marvel Heroes wish list

If there's one constant in the gaming universe, it's that every MMO player has a wish list. It's almost impossible to spend any length...

This is how you leave Black Desert feedback

If you've ever thought about leaving useful beta feedback for the developers of an MMO that you care about, Black Desert fan Kinto has...

Check out Otherland’s housing in its features video

Last week, Drago Entertainment emerged from its zone of quiet development to remind everyone that Otherland still exists and in fact is releasing on...

Player housing is coming to Elder Scrolls Online

While it might be a while coming, player housing has been confirmed as an upcoming feature for Elder Scrolls Online. Start picking out your...
I just don't know any more, really.

Otherland enters early access on Steam on August 26th

It was announced years ago, has jumped developers and publishers, and by and large seems like the sort of thing that was never going...

WildStar fan vid offers housing flythroughs

If you're curious about WildStar's player housing, or if you're curious about why you should be curious, a recent video published by fansite WildStar...

World of Warcraft: Legion’s world invasion will be terrifying

World of Warcraft fans are vacuuming up any and all news regarding the recently announced Legion expansion, so we imagine that they'll be interested...

Nexus Telegraph: Four things that have me excited about WildStar’s F2P patch

Hot dog! This past week's stress test of the new fall patch for WildStar (it doesn't have a name yet, and Carbine is getting...

Shards Online: Proposing the ‘persistent online world’ game

Last week, our comments erupted over some game studios' haphazard use of the term "MMO" -- and how that overuse and misuse has possibly tainted the...
When it comes.

WoW Factor: Analyzing Legion with a critical eye

All right, let me just say for the record that when it comes to this expansion, my speculation last week was meant as just...

Gamescom 2015: Trion talks upcoming ‘significant’ ArcheAge updates

Trion just took an info dump at Gamescom, with "major" updates scheduled for all of the firm's MMOs. ArcheAge is getting something called Heroes...

EverQuesting: (Almost) everything we know about EverQuest Next

In a perfect world, we'd have the mana of EverQuest Next news raining down from the sky, enough to satiate our hunger for information...

Here’s what’s in WildStar’s massive fall patch

Yesterday we reported that WildStar began stress testing its fall free-to-play patch, and since then players have been reporting in with pictures and details...

The Daily Grind: What have you regretted doing in MMOs lately?

I did a dumb thing. A week or so ago, I splurged with real-world cash to pick up the new Yavin stronghold in Star Wars:...
If you lived here, you'd be home by now.

Shroud of the Avatar pushes out Release 20 with 113 player-run towns

Are you playing Shroud of the Avatar's latest release right now? Obviously not, you're reading this article, but you could be playing it right...

One Shots: Abstract art

Every once in a while I receive a One Shots email that makes one of my eyebrows climb super-high while the other one dives...

Nexus Telegraph: Righting the S.S. WildStar

This past week I got the opportunity to ask a few questions about WildStar's new "stat refactoring" patch that's coming this fall. There were...

How to get Ultima Online’s Time of Legends expansion for a song

Ultima Online's Time of Legends expansion is on the way, just in time for the venerable MMO's 18th birthday in September. And if you're...

Everything you need to know about Neverwinter’s guild strongholds

It's a good time to be a guild in Neverwinter. That's because on August 11th, every guild -- no matter how large or small...

EverQuest II’s prog server isn’t as fun as the real thing

I've been playing the crap out of EverQuest II for the past week. Funnily enough, the vast majority of said playtime hasn't been on...