player housing

Catching up!

Catch up on the revelations from The Elder Scrolls Online’s most recent patch preview

Curious about the next DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online? We can hardly blame you; it brings with it much-desired features like home storage,...
Guns and ships.

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO hopes and wishes for 2018

One of the frustrating bits about our end-of-the-year content rollouts is that sometimes predictions and story roundups can come across as negative. It’s way too easy...

RIFT players build remembrance garden for well-loved teen

Just before Christmas, 17-year-old Nikita Hedingham was biking to a volunteer position when she was struck by a semi and killed. Her death has...

Seed offers fans a brief look at pre-alpha footage

You could argue that a pre-alpha is itself a seed that will eventually grow into a full, playable game. It'd be a bit of...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: The best MMO updates and expansions of 2017

Last year was positively stuffed with updates, expansions, and cool stuff. A lot of years I struggle to remember which major updates happened in...

LOTRO Legendarium: Looking back at the road we traveled in 2017

"The road goes ever on" is one of the most well-known phrases from Lord of the Rings, alluding to the ongoing journey of the...

EverQuesting: Frostfell blues and end of the year news for EverQuest II

Snow? Check. Good cheer? Check. Catchy tunes everywhere? Checkity check. Goblins and gigglegibbers in goofy get-ups? Great big check. New guide? Er... Yes, it's Frostfell...

Final Fantasy XIV adds new carbuncle options while preparing for a dogged year

It's time for the annual celebration of the new year in Final Fantasy XIV, and this year has a theme like every other. And...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 150: Mailbag gabfest

Justin and Bree tear through the mailbag to answer listener questions on MMOs, from story and leveling and social play to open-world housing and crafting and loot to the future of MMO content and even a peek into our day-to-day on the site.

The most popular Massively OP MMO articles of 2017

One of my favorite things to do every year is drill down the top articles on the site for our readers. I don't mean...
Homeward bound.

MMO Year in Review: A home of your own in Elder Scrolls Online’s Tamriel (February 2017)

We’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into...
I liked it.

On the tenth day of Christmas, Warframe gave me ghastly ghouls and personal quarters

Is this Christmas or Halloween? One can never quite tell with Warframe, which activated its holiday update yesterday with a bounty on ghoul packs. These...

Revelation Online lets you build a brand-new seaside villa… when you clear the hardest raid

The good news for Revelation Online players is that a new seaside villa is added to the game, and it's a gorgeous private island...
I don't choose spiders.

Choose My Adventure Year in Review: Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, WildStar, Black Desert, and Neverwinter

So I've been writing this column for a year now. A little more than a year, as it happens, but last year there was...
Internalize this deep wisdom.

Final Fantasy XIV previews 4.2 Rise of a New Sun with a new sub-site

Ready to help rebuild Doma in Final Fantasy XIV? The preview site for the next major patch has gone live, and it makes it...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Matt Firor says ZeniMax has least ‘two years’ of additional content planned

With over 10 million players (2.5M monthly active users) having come through its doors since 2014, Elder Scrolls Online is one of the stronger success...

Shroud of the Avatar is really truly launching on March 27, 2018

If you're a Shroud of the Avatar player, you've just gotten the last major update of the year. Release 49 rolled out ahead of...
Ideas face challenges when born.

Wisdom of Nym: Taking a peek at Final Fantasy XIV’s next patch

Gosh, I feel sort of bad for the person whose job it was to make the next Final Fantasy XIV fan festival reveal seem...

WoW Factor: The fate of WoW’s class orders post-Legion, part 1

In the lull between expansions, I've been hard at work bringing my alts up to the level cap, unlocking all of the class mounts,...
March out of the light.

Final Fantasy XIV plans patch 4.2 for late January, with glamour storage, more housing, and new content

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV will arrive in late January according to the most recent live letter from producer/director Naoki Yoshida. Of...