Niantic stages a second attempt at a summer Chicago Pokemon Go Fest after settling class-action lawsuit
It's no exaggeration to say that last year's Pokemon Go Fest was a complete and total disaster. It made a ton of money -...
Pokemon Go: Milwaukee County lawsuit injunction and preparing for legendaries
Back in February, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, tried to prevent Pokemon Go player-inflicted park damage by requiring ARG developers, including Niantic, to acquire permits before implementing games within the park....
Pokemon Go: The Milwaukee lawsuit, rare Pikachu, and the gym reporting problem
It's been almost a year now since non-expat Americans were able to play Niantic's Pokemon Go. While we're naturally seeing birthday rumors, the game's unique...
MMOARG dev sues Milwaukee county over Pokemon Go-inspired park ordinance
Remember back in February when Milwaukee County in Wisconsin tried to handle the whole "Pokemon Go players are destroying parks and costing municipalities cash...
U.S. district court hears Pokemon Go trespassing lawsuit
Last summer when Pokemon Go took off, so did the lawsuits from property owners who claimed Niantic was effectively encouraging players to illegally trespass...
Pokemon Go: Michigan couple sues over game’s impact on private property
Pokemon Go is the subject of yet another lawsuit: A Michigan couple is suing Niantic, Nintendo, and the Pokemon Company in federal court. The...
Pokemon Go: Suing Nintendo, Pokemon insurance, and the Ohio Articuno controversy
This one goes out to all the people who are still obsessively playing Pokemon Go after giving it a one-star rating. You show 'em!
Pokemon Go: Fatwas, maps, lawsuits, and Kirby’s call-out
Happy Friday! Please don't die in 100 degree heat this weekend playing Pokemon Go, OK? We'd miss you.
It's all over, guys: Someone has...